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Song title 581 - I'll be seeing you

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "I'll be seeing you" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Bing Crosby I'll be seeing you 1944 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1944 (24 weeks), US 1940s 1 - May 1944 (19 weeks), US 1 for 4 weeks - Jul 1944, Australia 1 for 1 month - Aug 1945, Your Hit Parade 7 of 1944, DDD 8 of 1944, nuTsie 13 of 1940s, Europe 15 of the 1940s (1944), US invalid BB 15 of 1944, POP 15 of 1944, Brazil 83 of 1944, RYM 43 of 1944
2 Bert Ambrose & his Orchestra I'll be seeing you 1944 UK Sheet Music 1 for 1 week - Oct 1944, UK 40s Sheet Music 1 - Sep 1944 (3 weeks)
3 Tommy Dorsey & Frank Sinatra I'll be seeing you 1944 US Billboard 4 - May 1944 (17 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Jun 1944 (11 weeks), DDD 8 of 1944
4 Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop I'll be seeing you 1998 Japan (Tokyo) 94 - Feb 1998 (2 weeks)
5 Four Freshmen I'll be seeing you 1954 US CashBox 37 - Jul 1954 (4 weeks)
6 Tommy Sands I'll be seeing you 1959 US Billboard 51 - Sep 1959 (5 weeks)
7 Poni-Tails I'll be seeing you 1959 US Billboard 87 - Oct 1959 (3 weeks)
8 The Five Satins I'll be seeing you 1960 US Billboard 79 - May 1960 (6 weeks)
9 Frank Sinatra I'll be seeing you 1961 US Billboard 58 - Oct 1961 (7 weeks)