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Song title 144 - Careless Whisper

Careless Whisper Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Careless Whisper" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 George Michael Careless Whisper 1984 UK 1 - Aug 1984 (21 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Dec 1984 (20 weeks), US BB 1 of 1985, US Radio 1 of 1985 (peak 1 12 weeks), Canada 1 - Dec 1984 (12 weeks), Holland 1 - Aug 1984 (14 weeks), Switzerland 1 - Sep 1984 (17 weeks), Poland 1 - Mar 1983 (44 weeks), Italy 1 for 3 weeks - Jan 1985, Eire 1 for 3 weeks - Aug 1984, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1985, Australia 1 for 4 weeks - Sep 1984, Springbok 1 - Nov 1984 (21 weeks), Top Song of 1985 of the Billboard 50th list, ASCAP song of 1984, ARC 2 of 1985 (peak 1 16 weeks), Sweden (alt) 2 - Sep 1984 (21 weeks), France 2 - Aug 1984 (3 weeks), Austria 2 - Nov 1984 (4 months), Norway 2 - Aug 1984 (16 weeks), Belgium 2 - Sep 1984 (12 weeks), Italy 2 of 1984, Canada 2 of 1985, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in May 1992), UK Platinum (certified by BPI in Sep 1984), Sweden 3 - Sep 1984 (13 weeks), Germany 3 - Sep 1984 (3 months), ODK Germany 3 - Sep 1984 (21 weeks) (8 weeks in top 10), South Africa 3 of 1985, Brazil 4 of 1985, Australia 4 of 1984, US CashBox 5 of 1985, France (SNEP) 7 - Dec 1984 (1 month), UK sales 8 of the 1980s (1,360 k in 1984), Switzerland 9 of 1984, Scrobulate 13 of soft rock, POP 20 of 1985, Europe 30 of the 1980s (1984), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 44 - Jan 2017 (2 weeks), nuTsie 94 of 1980s, France (InfoDisc) 112 of the 1980s (peak 2, 35 weeks, 585k sales estimated, 1984), OzNet 183, Germany 250 of the 1980s (peak 3 12 weeks), UKMIX 297, Acclaimed 2242 (1984), RYM 37 of 1984, Guardian Pop 67
2 Tamia Careless Whisper 1998 Japan (Tokyo) 53 - Jun 1998 (6 weeks)
3 Seether Careless Whisper 2009 US Billboard 63 - Feb 2009 (18 weeks)
4 2Play & Thomas Jules Careless Whisper 2004 UK 29 - Dec 2004 (3 weeks)
5 Sarah Washington Careless Whisper 1993 UK 45 - Nov 1993 (2 weeks)
6 Jiggy Joint & Dan Hogan Careless Whisper 2007 ODK Germany 89 - Feb 2007 (1 week)
7 Darell Bell Careless Whisper 1993 Holland 25 - Oct 1993 (4 weeks)
8 Toy Boy Careless Whisper 1993 Holland 35 - Jul 1993 (3 weeks)
9 Wham! & George Michael Careless Whisper 2017 US Songs 2014-23 peak 33 - Jan 2017 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

27 May 2018

Double Listing - George Michael

#1 & #3 (Wham!) are the same & s/b credited to George Michael.

Data was fixed already (see previous comment)

21 May 2018

It's hard to say if #1 and #3 should be combined, but RPM and Billboard scoreswere wrote after "George Michael"S o #1 and #3 are the same actually,unfortunately +released with different names.+

Actually its worse than that "Careless Whisper" was released under the name of George Michael in North America and Wham! in Europe. We've decided to assume a value of George Michael

4 Jul 2009

Careless Whisper by George Michael or Wham! are not only the same song but also the same release. In Europe Careless Whisper was credited to George Michael. Outside Europe it was credited to Wham! Combining those points and use George Michael / Wham! as artist would make more sense, in my humble opinion.

You are correct, there is just one song called "Careless Whisper". However the chart information indicates it was credited to Wham! only in North America and to George Michael in Europe, Australia, Africa and South America. So we have followed the majority of charts and credited it to George Michael.