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Song title 841 - Jealousy

Jealousy Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Jealousy" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

If, alternately, you are looking for songs which have the word "Jealousy" somewhere in the title a better alternative would be to look up the word in the site index for j.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Hutch Jealousy 1942 UK Sheet Music 1 for 5 weeks - Aug 1942, UK 40s Sheet Music 1 - Aug 1942 (10 weeks)
2 Amii Stewart Jealousy 1979 France 1 - Jan 1980 (4 weeks), Switzerland 5 - Dec 1979 (9 weeks), Sweden (alt) 8 - Nov 1979 (18 weeks), France (SNEP) 15 - Nov 1979 (1 month), Belgium 29 - Nov 1979 (1 week), Holland 31 - Dec 1979 (5 weeks), ODK Germany 31 - Dec 1979 (16 weeks), UK 58 - Nov 1979 (3 weeks)
3 Natalie Merchant Jealousy 1996 US Billboard 23 - Jun 1996 (20 weeks), US Radio 32 of 1996 (peak 5 15 weeks), POP 32 of 1996, Canada 54 of 1996, US BB 78 of 1996
4 The Pet Shop Boys Jealousy 1991 Sweden 10 - Jun 1991 (2 weeks), UK 12 - Jun 1991 (5 weeks), Switzerland 14 - Jun 1991 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 20 - Jun 1991 (14 weeks), Germany 26 - Jul 1991 (1 month), Poland 36 - Aug 1991 (3 weeks)
5 Martin Solveig Jealousy 2006 Japan (Tokyo) 33 - Dec 2006 (5 weeks), Switzerland 60 - May 2006 (9 weeks), UK 62 - Feb 2006 (1 week)
6 Charles & Eddie Jealousy 1995 Japan (Tokyo) 2 - Jul 1995 (13 weeks), ODK Germany 68 - Sep 1995 (9 weeks)
7 Billy Fury Jealousy 1961 UK 2 - Sep 1961 (12 weeks), NZ Lever 7 - Nov 1961 (2 weeks)
8 Will Young Jealousy 2011 UK 5 - Sep 2011 (18 weeks), UK 77 of 2011
9 Adventures of Stevie V Jealousy 1991 UK 58 - Mar 1991 (3 weeks), US Billboard 94 - Jan 1991 (6 weeks)
10 Lena Park Jealousy 2006 Japan (Tokyo) 90 - Oct 2006 (1 week)
11 Kim Sanders Jealousy 1998 US Billboard 89 - Jan 1998 (10 weeks)
12 Kitty Wells Jealousy 1958 US Billboard 78 - Jul 1958 (5 weeks)
13 Octopus Jealousy 1996 UK 59 - Nov 1996 (1 week)
14 DJ Shog Jealousy 2005 France 5 - Nov 2005 (1 week)
15 Major Harris Jealousy 1976 US Billboard 73 - Apr 1976 (4 weeks)
16 Club Nouveau Jealousy 1987 UK 80 - May 1987 (2 weeks)
17 Boothill Foot Tappers Jealousy 1985 UK 77 - Mar 1985 (3 weeks)
18 Francis Rossi & Bernard Frost Jealousy 1985 UK 98 - Nov 1985 (2 weeks)
19 David A Stewart Jealousy 1995 ODK Germany 83 - Apr 1995 (5 weeks)
20 Blue Diamonds Jealousy 1961 RYM 175 of 1961
21 Offset & Cardi B Jealousy 2023 US Songs 2014-23 peak 55 - Aug 2023 (3 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

30 Nov 2015

#4 - Billy Fury - Jealousy

The 1942 UK Sheet Music Chart Entry still needs to be removed from here. Looks like you had already transferred it to Hutch.

Yes I missed the return to number 1, thanks

25 Nov 2015

#1 - Billy Fury - Jealousy

The following (2) 1942 Chart Entries should be removed from this 1961recording. Not sure where they should be transferred to. 1. UK Sheet Music 1 for 5 weeks - Aug. 1942. 2. UK 40's Sheet Music 1 - 10 weeks - Aug. 1942.

The data claims this was written by Vera Bloom but that was a hit for Frankie Laine in 1951, since that was from an Italian film (and Italy was at war with the UK at the time) that looks unlikely. I also found a version by Kathryn Grayson but that seems to be 1948.

There is some sheet music that says the song is by "Hutch" so we'll go with that. Data fixed, thanks