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Album artist 512 - Billy Vaughn

Billy Vaughn Region Profile

Billy Vaughn Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Billy Vaughn. A list of songs by Billy Vaughn can be found here. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Billy Vaughn Theme From A Summer Place 1960 US num 1 for 2 weeks - May 1960, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1962), US CashBox 6 of 1960, US BB 13 of 1960
2 Billy Vaughn Moonlight Melodies 1978 ODK Germany 1 - Nov 1978 (15 weeks) (4 weeks at number 1) (10 weeks in top 10), Germany 1 for 4 weeks - Dec 1978, Germany 1 - Nov 1978 (11 weeks), Austria 4 - Jan 1979 (3 months)
3 Billy Vaughn Sail Along Silvery Moon 1958 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1962), US BB 12 of 1958, US CashBox 42 of 1958
4 Billy Vaughn Blue Hawaii 1959 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Feb 1962), US BB 21 of 1959, US CashBox 45 of 1960
5 Billy Vaughn Look For A Star 1960 US CashBox 19 of 1960, US BB 44 of 1960
6 Billy Vaughn Orange Blossom Special & Wheels 1961 US CashBox 39 of 1961, US BB 43 of 1961
7 Billy Vaughn 1962's Greatest Hits 1963 US CashBox 36 of 1963, Billboard 91 - Aug 1963 (6 weeks)
8 Billy Vaughn Pearly Shells 1965 Billboard 18 - Jan 1965 (29 weeks), US CashBox 74 of 1965
9 Billy Vaughn Italian Memories 1981 ODK Germany 11 - Aug 1981 (8 weeks), Germany 11 - Sep 1981 (6 weeks)
10 Billy Vaughn Music From Sundowners 1961 US BB 40 of 1961
11 Billy Vaughn Billy Vaughan Plays The Million Sellers 1958 US CashBox 45 of 1958
12 Billy Vaughn Sukiyaki And 11 Hawaiian Hits 1963 Billboard 67 - Aug 1963 (7 weeks)
13 Billy Vaughn Number 1 Hits, Vol. 1 1963 Billboard 94 - Nov 1963 (7 weeks)
14 Billy Vaughn Blue Velvet & 1963's Great Hits 1964 Billboard 51 - Feb 1964 (17 weeks)
15 Billy Vaughn Another Hit Album! 1964 Billboard 141 - Aug 1964 (3 weeks)
16 Billy Vaughn Forever 1964 Billboard 144 - Jun 1964 (4 weeks)
17 Billy Vaughn Moon Over Naples 1965 Billboard 31 - Oct 1965 (29 weeks)
18 Billy Vaughn Mexican Pearls 1965 Billboard 45 - Apr 1965 (15 weeks)
19 Billy Vaughn Alfie 1966 Billboard 44 - Oct 1966 (35 weeks)
20 Billy Vaughn Michel'le 1966 Billboard 56 - Feb 1966 (14 weeks)
21 Billy Vaughn Great Country Hits 1966 Billboard 149 - Jul 1966 (2 weeks)
22 Billy Vaughn That's Life & Pineapple Market 1967 Billboard 130 - May 1967 (7 weeks)
23 Billy Vaughn Josephine 1967 Billboard 147 - Jul 1967 (2 weeks)
24 Billy Vaughn Golden Hits/The Best Of Billy Vaughn 1967 Billboard 159 - Sep 1967 (8 weeks)
25 Billy Vaughn Ode To Billie Joe 1967 Billboard 200 - Oct 1967 (2 weeks)
26 Billy Vaughn A Current Set Of Standards 1968 Billboard 198 - Sep 1968 (3 weeks)
27 Billy Vaughn The Windmills Of Your Mind 1969 Billboard 95 - May 1969 (16 weeks)
28 Billy Vaughn Winter World Of Love 1970 Billboard 188 - Mar 1970 (2 weeks)
29 Billy Vaughn Magic moments 1979 ODK Germany 21 - Dec 1979 (9 weeks)
30 Billy Vaughn Golden Instrumentals unknown US Gold (certified by RIAA in Oct 1969)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

11 Feb 2012

Other Billy Vaughn LP hits

The German publication Hit Bilanz the chart LPs 1962-1986 +also lists

"Magic Moments" +peaking at No. 21 in 1979 +and "Italian Memories" peaking atNo. 11 in 1981.

5 Jan 2012

Album listing

Billy Vaughn charted 36 Lps on the Billboard Top LPs chart: No 5 Sail Silvry Moon 15 Billy Vaughn Plays the Million Sellers (1958) 20 Billy Vaughn Plays (1959) 7 Blue Hawaii (1959) 36 Golden Saxophones (1960) 1 Summer Place (1960) 5 Look for a Star (1960) 5 Sundowners (1960) 11 Orange Blossom Special and Wheels (1961) 17 Golden Waltzes (1961) 20 Berlin Melody (1961) 18 Greatest String Band Hits (1962) 14 Chapel By the Sea (1962) 10 Swingin' Safari (1962) 145 Christmas Carols (1962) 17 1962's Greatest Hits(1963) 15 Sukiyaki and 11 Hawaiian Hits(1963) 94 Number 1 Hits (1963) 51 Blue Velvet and 1963's Greatest (1964) 144 Forever (1964) 141 Another HIt Album (1964) 18 Pearly Shells (1965) 45 Mexican Pearls (1965) 31 Moon Over Naples (1965) 56 Michelle (1966) 149 Great Country Hits (1966) 44 Alfie (1966) 114 Sweet Maria (1967) 130 That's Life & Pineapple Market (1967) 147 Josephine (1967) 161 I Love You (1967) 159 Golden Hits Best of (1967) 200 Ode To Billy Joe (1967) 198 A Current Set of Standards (1968) 95 The Windmills of Your Mind (1969) 188 Winter World of Love (1970)