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Song artist 791 - SWV

SWV Region Profile

SWV Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of SWV. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 SWV Weak 1993 US Billboard 1 - Apr 1993 (26 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1993), US CashBox 3 of 1993, ARC 5 of 1993 (peak 1 20 weeks), US BB 6 of 1993, US Radio 6 of 1993 (peak 1 13 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 14 - Jun 1993 (16 weeks), POP 27 of 1993, UK 33 - Jun 1993 (3 weeks), Scrobulate 82 of rhythm & blues
2 SWV Right Here (Human Nature) 1993 US Billboard 2 - Jul 1993 (22 weeks), UK 3 - Aug 1993 (12 weeks), France 4 - Oct 1993 (2 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1993), Holland 14 - Sep 1993 (9 weeks), US Radio 19 of 1993 (peak 3 11 weeks), ARC 22 of 1993 (peak 2 18 weeks), US BB 29 of 1993, ODK Germany 33 - Oct 1993 (13 weeks), US CashBox 36 of 1993, Japan (Osaku) 92 of 1993 (peak 10 16 weeks), Guardian Hip-Hop/ RnB 41
3 SWV I'm So Into You 1993 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1993), US Billboard 6 - Feb 1993 (27 weeks), POP 15 of 1993, UK 17 - May 1993 (6 weeks), US CashBox 17 of 1993, ARC 17 of 1993 (peak 2 19 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 18 - Apr 1993 (12 weeks), US BB 20 of 1993, US Radio 38 of 1993 (peak 3 10 weeks)
4 SWV You're the One 1996 Japan (Tokyo) 1 - May 1996 (15 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jun 1996), US Billboard 5 - Apr 1996 (20 weeks), UK 13 - May 1996 (3 weeks), US BB 36 of 1996, ARC 38 of 1996 (peak 5 14 weeks)
5 SWV Anything 1994 US Billboard 18 - Apr 1994 (20 weeks), UK 24 - Jun 1994 (3 weeks), US BB 78 of 1994, Japan (Tokyo) 80 - Jun 1994 (3 weeks), Brazil 83 of 1994
6 SWV Can We 1997 New Zealand 1 for 1 week - Jun 1997, UK 18 - Apr 1997 (4 weeks), US Billboard 75 - Aug 1997 (15 weeks)
7 SWV You Are Always On My Mind 1994 France 10 - Sep 1994 (1 week), US Billboard 54 - Jan 1994 (17 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 92 - Feb 1994 (2 weeks)
8 SWV Use Your Heart 1996 US Billboard 22 - Aug 1996 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 37 - Oct 1996 (4 weeks)
9 SWV It's All About U 1996 UK 36 - Dec 1996 (5 weeks), US Billboard 61 - Jan 1997 (15 weeks)
10 SWV Downtown 1994 France 7 - Mar 1994 (1 week), UK 19 - Feb 1994 (5 weeks)
11 SWV Rain 1998 US Billboard 25 - Mar 1998 (14 weeks)
12 SWV Right Here 1993 US Billboard 92 - Jan 1993 (5 weeks)

In addition to the above listed songs SWV also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 SWV & P Diddy Someone 1997 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Sep 1997), Japan (Tokyo) 6 - Aug 1997 (12 weeks), US Billboard 19 - Jul 1997 (20 weeks), UK 34 - Sep 1997 (2 weeks), US BB 88 of 1997

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

21 Dec 2017

Edit +#8 - Right Here

The following (3) Chart Entries s/b removed from #8 & transferred to #2 (Right Here (Human Nature). 1. US BB 29 of 1993. 2. Germany 33 - 13 Oct. 1993. 3. Guardian Hip-Hop/RnB 41. #2 is a new mix of #8 & is the big hit here.

Hopefully we've done that, thanks

21 Nov 2014

Double Listing - Right Here

#3 and #8 are the same recording.

We're sure the UK chart entry should be changed (and we've done that). The two Billboard entries however claim to have distinct label numbers (RCA 62614 and RCA 62355). Given that merging those won't change the position, and not merging at least allows those interested to check for themselves the decision is to leave the two Billboard entries.

Thanks for the suggestion