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Song title 992 - Moonlight Serenade

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Moonlight Serenade" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Glenn Miller Moonlight Serenade 1939 Your Hit Parade 1 of 1939, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1991 (1939), ASCAP song of 1939, US Billboard 3 - 1939 (15 weeks), US invalid BB 5 of 1939, POP 5 of 1939, nuTsie 9 of 1930s, UK 12 - Mar 1954 (1 week), Europe 12 of the 1930s (1939), Brazil 19 of 1941, Scrobulate 53 of jazz, Italy 74 of 1954, Acclaimed 1202 (1939), RYM 5 of 1939, Party 74 of 1999
2 Chicago Moonlight Serenade 1995 Japan (Tokyo) 23 - Jun 1995 (6 weeks)
3 The Rivieras Moonlight Serenade 1959 US Billboard 47 - Feb 1959 (11 weeks)
4 Bobby Vinton Moonlight Serenade 1976 US Billboard 97 - May 1976 (2 weeks)
5 Klaus Badelt Moonlight Serenade unknown Scrobulate 32 of soundtrack

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

13 Jan 2019

Song title 976 - Moonlight Serenade

Please send me le texte of Song title 976 - Moonlight Serenade

13 Jan 2019

Lyrics of Moonlight Serenade

I want the Lyrics pf Moonlight Serenade by Glen Miller

No lyrics on this site at all

19 Sep 2017

how do I get 1940 around the time for music

19 Sep 2017

glen miller music 1940+

want old time music I know around 1941 etc

Try clicking on a link that says 1941?

28 Oct 2015


im looking for a song for years and until this day I cant find the song. Ionly know a few words. id be glad if you could help me to find tthe song title. its this' drawn to the light in your eyes like a moth tto a flame,to hear the sound of your voice,such a sweet serenade' thank u.