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Song artist 556 - Kate Smith

Kate Smith Region Profile

Kate Smith Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Kate Smith. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Kate Smith God Bless America 1939 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1982 (1939), Library of Congress artifact added 2002 (1938), US invalid BB 2 of 1939, POP 2 of 1939, nuTsie 2 of 1930s, Your Hit Parade 3 of 1939, US Billboard 5 - 1940 (11 weeks), US 1940s 5 - Aug 1940 (3 weeks), Music Imprint 7 of 1940s, Europe 18 of the 1930s (1939), RIAA 19, Acclaimed 568 (1938), RYM 33 of 1939
2 Kate Smith The Woodpecker Song 1940 Australia 1 for 5 months - Nov 1940, Australian Nostalgia 3 of 1940-1949, US Billboard 14 - 1940 (5 weeks)
3 Kate Smith If I Had My Way 1943 UK Sheet Music 1 for 2 weeks - Dec 1943, UK 40s Sheet Music 1 - Oct 1943 (4 weeks)
4 Kate Smith River, Stay 'Way from My Door 1932 US Billboard 1 - 1932 (8 weeks), US invalid BB 11 of 1932, POP 16 of 1932
5 Kate Smith When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain 1931 US Billboard 1 - 1931 (8 weeks), US invalid BB 19 of 1931, POP 19 of 1931
6 Kate Smith I Don't Want to Walk Without You 1943 Australia 1 for 4 months - Feb 1943, Australian Nostalgia 6 of 1940-1949
7 Kate Smith Too Late 1932 US Billboard 9 - 1932 (4 weeks), Brazil 73 of 1932
8 Kate Smith Rose O'Day (The Filla-Da-Gusha Song) 1942 US Billboard 8 - 1942 (11 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Feb 1942 (3 weeks)
9 Kate Smith Don't Fence Me In 1945 US Billboard 8 - Jan 1945 (2 weeks), US 1940s 8 - Jan 1945 (2 weeks)
10 Kate Smith (There'll Be Bluebirds Over) the White Cliffs of Dover 1942 US Billboard 9 - 1942 (8 weeks), US 1940s 9 - Feb 1942 (1 week)
11 Kate Smith Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen 1937 US Billboard 15 - 1938 (2 weeks), Jazz Standard 967
12 Kate Smith Medley from Face the Music 1932 US Billboard 8 - 1932 (4 weeks)
13 Kate Smith My Mom 1932 US Billboard 10 - 1932 (4 weeks)
14 Kate Smith Snuggled on Your Shoulder 1932 US Billboard 10 - 1932 (3 weeks)
15 Kate Smith That's Why Darkies Were Born 1931 US Billboard 12 - 1931 (3 weeks)
16 Kate Smith The Last Time I Saw Paris 1940 US Billboard 8 - Jan 1940 (11 weeks)
17 Kate Smith I Don't Know Why 1931 US Billboard 15 - 1931 (2 weeks)
18 Kate Smith Kate Smith Presents a Memory Program 1932 US Billboard 17 - 1932 (1 week)
19 Kate Smith Shine on Harvest Moon 1933 US Billboard 19 - Apr 1933 (1 week)
20 Kate Smith Now Is the Hour (Maori Farewell Song) 1948 US Billboard 12 - Mar 1948 (2 weeks)
21 Kate Smith I Threw a Kiss in the Ocean 1942 US Billboard 10 - 1942 (7 weeks)
22 Kate Smith There Goes That Song Again 1945 US Billboard 12 - Jan 1945 (3 weeks)
23 Kate Smith Seems Like Old Times 1946 US Billboard 12 - May 1946 (1 week)
24 Kate Smith I'm Stepping Out with a Memory Tonight 1940 US Billboard 25 - 1940 (1 week)
25 Kate Smith How Do I Know It's Real? 1942 US Billboard 21 - 1942 (1 week)
26 Kate Smith There You Are 1945 US Billboard 21 - Oct 1945 (1 week)

In addition to the above listed songs Kate Smith also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Kate Smith, Four Chicks & a Chuck Feudin' & Fightin' 1947 UK 40s Sheet Music 14 - Nov 1947 (5 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

27 Nov 2015

#20 - Now Is the Hour

This recording should be added to Song Title 177 - Now Is the Hour (Maori Farewell Song).

Data fixed, thanks