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Song artist 963 - Patsy Cline

Patsy Cline Region Profile

Patsy Cline Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Patsy Cline. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Patsy Cline Crazy 1961 Grammy Hall of Fame in 1992 (1962), Library of Congress artifact added 2003 (1961), US invalid BB 2 of 1961, DDD 2 of 1961, POP 2 of 1961, Canada 8 - Oct 1961 (9 weeks), US Billboard 9 - Oct 1961 (11 weeks), DMDB 14 (1961), WXPN 65, Scrobulate 70 of country, UK 79 - Mar 1987 (5 weeks), nuTsie 79 of 1960s, Rolling Stone 85, US Radio 98 of 1961 (peak 9 5 weeks), Acclaimed 143 (1960), RYM 17 of 1961, NY Daily Love list 81, Party 28 of 1999
2 Patsy Cline I Fall to Pieces 1961 Grammy Hall of Fame in 2001 (1961), US BB 2 of 1961, Canada 2 - Jul 1961 (15 weeks), US Billboard 12 - May 1961 (20 weeks), US invalid BB 32 of 1961, POP 32 of 1961, DDD 63 of 1961, UK 87 - Mar 1991 (2 weeks), US CashBox 96 of 1961, Scrobulate 97 of country, RIAA 107, US Radio 123 of 1961 (peak 12 3 weeks), Rolling Stone 238, Acclaimed 328 (1961), WXPN 815, RYM 21 of 1961, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
3 Patsy Cline Walkin' After Midnight 1957 US invalid BB 4 of 1957, POP 4 of 1957, US Billboard 17 - Feb 1957 (16 weeks), DDD 31 of 1957, Scrobulate 98 of country, Acclaimed 1130 (1957), RYM 16 of 1957
4 Patsy Cline She's Got You 1962 US Billboard 14 - Jan 1962 (13 weeks), Canada 17 - Jan 1962 (11 weeks), UK 43 - Apr 1962 (1 week), US BB 78 of 1962, US Radio 120 of 1962 (peak 14 5 weeks), Acclaimed 1985 (1962), RYM 95 of 1962
5 Patsy Cline When I Get Thru With You (You'll Love Me Too) 1962 Scrobulate 20 of gotanygoodmusic, Canada 30 - May 1962 (5 weeks), US Billboard 53 - May 1962 (6 weeks)
6 Patsy Cline Sweet Dreams (Of You) 1963 Canada 32 - Apr 1963 (4 weeks), US Billboard 44 - Apr 1963 (10 weeks), Acclaimed 1290 (1963)
7 Patsy Cline Heartaches 1962 UK 31 - Dec 1962 (5 weeks), US Billboard 73 - Oct 1962 (7 weeks)
8 Patsy Cline Who Can I Count On 1961 US Billboard 99 - Oct 1961 (1 week), RYM 17 of 1961
9 Patsy Cline Strange 1962 US Billboard 97 - Feb 1962 (2 weeks), RYM 95 of 1962
10 Patsy Cline Crazy (1990) 1990 UK 14 - Dec 1990 (11 weeks)
11 Patsy Cline So Wrong 1962 US Billboard 85 - Aug 1962 (1 week)
12 Patsy Cline Imagine That 1962 US Billboard 90 - May 1962 (2 weeks)
13 Patsy Cline Leavin' On Your Mind 1963 US Billboard 83 - Jan 1963 (5 weeks)
14 Patsy Cline Faded Love 1963 US Billboard 96 - Aug 1963 (3 weeks)
15 Patsy Cline A Poor Man's Roses 1957 RYM 16 of 1957
16 Patsy Cline Lovin' in Vain 1961 RYM 21 of 1961