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Song title 663 - Whispering

Whispering Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Whispering" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

If, alternately, you are looking for songs which have the word "Whispering" somewhere in the title a better alternative would be to look up the word in the site index for w.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Paul Whiteman Whispering 1920 US Billboard 1 - Oct 1920 (20 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1920), Music Imprint 1 of 1920s, ASCAP song of 1920, US invalid BB 3 of 1920, POP 3 of 1920, Brazil 12 of 1921, nuTsie 17 of 1920s, US CashBox 32 - Aug 1954 (4 weeks), RIAA 330, Acclaimed 1594 (1920), RYM 7 of 1920
2 Les Paul Whispering 1951 US Billboard 7 - Aug 1951 (16 weeks), US 1940s 7 - Aug 1951 (12 weeks), US CashBox 8 - Sep 1951 (22 weeks), Brazil 36 of 1951
3 Nino Tempo & April Stevens Whispering 1963 US Billboard 11 - Dec 1963 (9 weeks), Keener 12 - Dec 1963 (4 weeks), Canada 17 - Dec 1963 (9 weeks), UK 20 - Jan 1964 (8 weeks), US Radio 108 of 1964 (peak 11 5 weeks)
4 Dr Buzzard's Original Savannah Band Whispering 1977 D.Marsh 8 of 1977, US Billboard 27 - Nov 1976 (19 weeks), Record World 34 - 1977
5 Art Hickman Whispering 1920 US Billboard 8 - Dec 1920 (3 weeks)
6 John Steel Whispering 1920 US Billboard 8 - Dec 1920 (2 weeks)
7 Gordon Jenkins Whispering 1951 US Billboard 27 - Oct 1951 (1 week)
8 The Bachelors Whispering 1963 UK 18 - Aug 1963 (10 weeks)
9 Newport Society Orchestra Whispering 1920 RYM 24 of 1920