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Album artist 414 - Dave Brubeck

Dave Brubeck Region Profile

Dave Brubeck Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of Dave Brubeck. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Dave Brubeck Time Out 1959 Library of Congress artifact added 2005 (1959), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2009 (1959), BEA 2 of 1959, US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Apr 1997), France 2 X Gold (certified by SNEP Feb 1994), US CashBox 9 of 1962, UK 11 - Jun 1960 (1 week), US BB 11 of 1961, Billboard 68 - Aug 1963 (31 weeks), US Longest Running Album 77 1959 (164 weeks), Defin200 150 (1959), WXPN 203 (1959), WTMD 309, Acclaimed 324 (1959), RYM 6 of 1959, WFUV 64
2 Dave Brubeck Time Further Out 1962 UK 12 - Apr 1962 (16 weeks), US CashBox 40 of 1962, US BB 56 of 1962, RYM 33 of 1961
3 Dave Brubeck Jazz Goes to College 1954 US BB 30 of 1955, Acclaimed 2843 (1954), RYM 13 of 1954
4 Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck's Greatest Hits 1966 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 2001), Billboard 134 - Jul 1966 (4 weeks)
5 Dave Brubeck Newport Jazz Festival 1958 1958 France (InfoDisc) 32 of 1969 (peak 4, 48 weeks), RYM 192 of 1958
6 Dave Brubeck Brubeck Time 1954 US BB 11 of 1955, RYM 31 of 1954
7 Dave Brubeck Jazz: Red Hot & Cool 1954 US BB 48 of 1955, RYM 25 of 1954
8 Dave Brubeck The Dave Brubeck Quartet at Carnegie Hall 1963 Billboard 146 - Aug 1963 (1 week), RYM 32 of 1963
9 Dave Brubeck Take Five 1961 UK EP 4 - Sep 1961
10 Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck At Storyville 1955 US BB 43 of 1955
11 Dave Brubeck Bossa Nova USA 1963 US CashBox 71 of 1963
12 Dave Brubeck Brandenburg Gate: Revisited 1963 Billboard 137 - Dec 1963 (3 weeks)
13 Dave Brubeck Time Changes 1964 Billboard 81 - Apr 1964 (9 weeks)
14 Dave Brubeck Angel Eyes 1965 Billboard 122 - Oct 1965 (3 weeks)
15 Dave Brubeck Jazz Impressions Of New York 1965 Billboard 142 - Feb 1965 (4 weeks)
16 Dave Brubeck My Favorite Things 1966 Billboard 133 - Mar 1966 (5 weeks)
17 Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck Trio 1950 RYM 25 of 1950
18 Dave Brubeck Jazz at Oberlin 1953 RYM 25 of 1953
19 Dave Brubeck Jazz at College of the Pacific 1954 RYM 30 of 1954
20 Dave Brubeck Brubeck Plays Brubeck 1956 RYM 156 of 1956
21 Dave Brubeck Bernstein Plays Brubeck Plays Bernstein 1960 RYM 169 of 1960
22 Dave Brubeck Dave Digs Disney 1957 RYM 42 of 1957
23 Dave Brubeck Gone with the Wind 1959 RYM 89 of 1959
24 Dave Brubeck Jazz Impressions of Eurasia 1958 RYM 165 of 1958
25 Dave Brubeck The Dave Brubeck Quartet Plays Music from West Side Story and... 1962 RYM 96 of 1962
26 Dave Brubeck Countdown: Time in Outer Space 1962 RYM 120 of 1962
27 Dave Brubeck Jazz Impressions of Japan 1964 RYM 90 of 1964
28 Dave Brubeck Time In 1966 RYM 129 of 1966
29 Dave Brubeck Bravo! Brubeck! 1967 RYM 173 of 1967

In addition to the above listed albums Dave Brubeck also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 Dave Brubeck & Paul Desmond 1975: The Duets 1976 Billboard 167 - Jan 1976 (5 weeks)
2 Tony Bennett & Dave Brubeck Bennett/Brubeck: The White House Sessions, Live 1962 2013 Billboard 74 - Jun 2013 (2 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

14 Sep 2016

Double Listing - Time Out

#1 & #11 (Time Out Featuring 'Take Five') are the same.

Data fixed, thanks