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Album artist 486 - The Ventures

The Ventures Region Profile

The Ventures Chart Profile

This page lists the album chart runs of The Ventures. The albums are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Album Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Ventures The Ventures Play Telstar - The Lonely Bull 1963 US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1970), D.Marsh 32 of 1963, US BB 42 of 1963, Billboard 94 - Aug 1963 (7 weeks), RYM 73 of 1963
2 The Ventures Hawaii Five-o 1969 US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jul 1971), Billboard 11 - May 1969 (24 weeks), US BB 42 of 1969, US CashBox 67 of 1969
3 The Ventures Surfing 1963 US CashBox 27 of 1963, Billboard 44 - Aug 1963 (10 weeks), RYM 47 of 1963
4 The Ventures Let's Go! 1963 Billboard 30 - Aug 1963 (33 weeks), US CashBox 93 of 1963, RYM 104 of 1963
5 The Ventures (The) Ventures In Space 1964 Billboard 27 - Jan 1964 (18 weeks), US CashBox 95 of 1964, RYM 66 of 1964
6 The Ventures The Ventures A Go-go 1965 Billboard 16 - Sep 1965 (35 weeks), US CashBox 60 of 1966, RYM 128 of 1965
7 The Ventures The Ventures On Stage 1965 Billboard 27 - Jun 1965 (30 weeks), US CashBox 73 of 1965, RYM 185 of 1965
8 The Ventures Golden Greats By The Ventures 1967 US Gold (certified by RIAA in May 1970), Billboard 50 - Sep 1967 (44 weeks)
9 The Ventures Where The Action Is 1966 Billboard 33 - Feb 1966 (22 weeks), US CashBox 95 of 1966
10 The Ventures Go With The Ventures! 1966 Billboard 39 - Jun 1966 (25 weeks), US CashBox 94 of 1966
11 The Ventures Guitar Freakout 1967 Billboard 57 - Feb 1967 (26 weeks), US CashBox 94 of 1967
12 The Ventures Walk, Don't Run (Vol 2) 1964 Billboard 17 - Oct 1964 (24 weeks), RYM 117 of 1964
13 The Ventures The Ventures 1961 UK EP 20 - May 1961, RYM 68 of 1961
14 The Ventures The Fabulous Ventures 1964 Billboard 32 - Jul 1964 (19 weeks), RYM 150 of 1964
15 The Ventures Knock Me Out! 1965 Billboard 31 - Feb 1965 (24 weeks), RYM 142 of 1965
16 The Ventures The Ventures Play The Country Classics 1963 Billboard 128 - Aug 1963 (4 weeks)
17 The Ventures Wild Things! 1966 Billboard 33 - Sep 1966 (26 weeks)
18 The Ventures Play Guitar With The Ventures 1965 Billboard 96 - Aug 1965 (13 weeks)
19 The Ventures The Ventures/Batman Theme 1966 Billboard 42 - Mar 1966 (21 weeks)
20 The Ventures $1,000,000.00 Weekend 1967 Billboard 55 - Dec 1967 (21 weeks)
21 The Ventures Super Psychedelics 1967 Billboard 67 - Jun 1967 (15 weeks)
22 The Ventures The Horse 1968 Billboard 128 - Aug 1968 (9 weeks)
23 The Ventures Flights Of Fantasy 1968 Billboard 169 - May 1968 (6 weeks)
24 The Ventures Swamp Rock 1969 Billboard 81 - Dec 1969 (12 weeks)
25 The Ventures Underground Fire 1969 Billboard 157 - Jan 1969 (14 weeks)
26 The Ventures The Ventures 10th Anniversary Album 1970 Billboard 91 - Oct 1970 (21 weeks)
27 The Ventures More Golden Greats 1970 Billboard 154 - Mar 1970 (5 weeks)
28 The Ventures Joy/The Ventures Play The Classics 1972 Billboard 146 - Mar 1972 (3 weeks)
29 The Ventures Theme From Shaft 1972 Billboard 195 - Jan 1972 (3 weeks)
30 The Ventures Walk Don't Run 1960 RYM 53 of 1960
31 The Ventures Another Smash!!! 1961 RYM 138 of 1961
32 The Ventures The Colorful Ventures 1961 RYM 196 of 1961
33 The Ventures Going to the Ventures' Dance Party 1962 RYM 169 of 1962
34 The Ventures Mashed Potatoes & Gravy 1962 RYM 187 of 1962
35 The Ventures The Christmas Album 1965 RYM 161 of 1965

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

28 Sep 2016

(3) Double Listings

#11 & #14 are the same (Let's Go!). Also #16 & #36 (Knock Me Out!). Finally #20 & #38 (Golden Greats).

Data fixed, thanks