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Song title 952 - Ebb Tide

Ebb Tide Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Ebb Tide" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Frank Chacksfield Ebb Tide 1953 Australia 1 for 2 weeks - Apr 1954, US Billboard 2 - Aug 1953 (23 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Sep 1953 (23 weeks), US CashBox 2 - Aug 1953 (29 weeks), UK 9 - Feb 1954 (2 weeks), UK 40s Sheet Music 9 - Jan 1954 (18 weeks), US BB 12 of 1953, Italy 26 of 1954, Brazil 39 of 1953, RYM 150 of 1954
2 The Righteous Brothers Ebb Tide 1966 Keener 3 - Nov 1965 (6 weeks), Canada 3 - Dec 1965 (11 weeks), Record World 4 - 1966, US Billboard 5 - Dec 1965 (9 weeks), UK 48 - Jan 1966 (2 weeks), US Radio 61 of 1966 (peak 5 5 weeks), US CashBox 81 of 1966, WABC NY 91 of 1966
3 Lenny Welch Ebb Tide 1964 Canada 14 - Mar 1964 (10 weeks), Record World 20 - 1964, US Billboard 25 - Mar 1964 (9 weeks)
4 Bunny Berigan Ebb Tide 1937 US Billboard 5 - 1937 (5 weeks)
5 Pussycat Ebb Tide 1965 Norway 2 - Oct 1965 (8 weeks)
6 The Platters Ebb Tide 1960 Canada 39 - May 1960 (4 weeks), US Billboard 56 - May 1960 (6 weeks)
7 Claude Thornhill & his Orchestra Ebb Tide 1937 US Billboard 15 - 1937 (2 weeks)
8 Vic Damone Ebb Tide 1953 US Billboard 10 - Oct 1953 (11 weeks)
9 Roy Hamilton Ebb Tide 1954 US Billboard 30 - Oct 1954 (1 week)
10 Bobby Freeman Ebb Tide 1959 US Billboard 93 - Dec 1959 (1 week)
11 David Rose Ebb Tide 1962 RYM 62 of 1962