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Song title 520 - Symphony

Symphony Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Symphony" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

If, alternately, you are looking for songs which have the word "Symphony" somewhere in the title a better alternative would be to look up the word in the site index for s.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Freddy Martin Symphony 1946 US Billboard 1 - Dec 1945 (17 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Dec 1945 (15 weeks), US 1 for 2 weeks - Jan 1945, Australia 1 for 2 months - Oct 1946, US invalid BB 9 of 1946, POP 15 of 1946, Your Hit Parade 17 of 1946, DDD 40 of 1945, Brazil 53 of 1946
2 Bing Crosby Symphony 1946 Australia 1 for 2 months - Oct 1946, US Billboard 3 - Jan 1946 (12 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Dec 1945 (12 weeks), Australian Nostalgia 28 of 1940-1949
3 Benny Goodman Symphony 1945 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1945 (14 weeks), US 1940s 5 - Jan 1946 (10 weeks), DDD 40 of 1945, Europe 88 of the 1940s (1946)
4 Jo Stafford Symphony 1945 US Billboard 4 - Dec 1945 (12 weeks), US 1940s 4 - Jan 1946 (9 weeks), RYM 90 of 1945
5 Clean Bandit & Zara Larsson Symphony 2017 UK Songs 2013-23 peak 1 - Mar 2017 (53 weeks), UK 7 of 2017, Australia (ARIA) 18 of 2017, the MusicID revenue site song 89 of 2017
6 Guy Lombardo Symphony 1946 US Billboard 10 - Jan 1946 (8 weeks)
7 Sammy Turner Symphony 1959 US Billboard 82 - Nov 1959 (3 weeks), RYM 108 of 1959
8 Donell Rush Symphony 1992 UK 66 - Dec 1992 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

20 Mar 2016

song title- Symphony

my name is ken hausler. I have been trying to get the sheet music forSymphony, and have been unsuccessful. could you help me get it to purchase the sheet music. you can contact me at this e-mail address or call me at 954-937-9767. willing to buy it. my aunt used to have a copy of it but do not know what happened to it. it was orange in color with the word symphony written in blue large letters. thank you