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Song artist 71 - Connie Francis

Connie Francis Region Profile

Connie Francis Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Connie Francis.A list of the hit albums by Connie Francis is also available. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Connie Francis Who's Sorry Now? 1958 UK 1 - Apr 1958 (25 weeks), Canada 1 - Feb 1958 (10 weeks), Radio Luxembourg sheet music 1 for 1 week - May 1958, Record Mirror 1 for 6 weeks - May 1958, South Africa 2 of 1958, US Billboard 4 - Feb 1958 (22 weeks), US invalid BB 15 of 1958, POP 15 of 1958, US CashBox 24 of 1958, UKMIX 35, US BB 39 of 1958, Brazil 52 of 1958, Italy 95 of 1958, DDD 97 of 1957, RIAA 302, RYM 32 of 1957
2 Connie Francis Everybody's Somebody's Fool 1960 US Billboard 1 - May 1960 (18 weeks), Canada 1 - May 1960 (14 weeks), Norway 1 - Aug 1960 (21 weeks), NZ Lever 1 - Jul 1960 (5 weeks), Australia 1 for 3 weeks - Jul 1960, UK 5 - Aug 1960 (13 weeks), Brazil 10 of 1960, US BB 11 of 1960, US CashBox 12 of 1960, US Radio 15 of 1960 (peak 1 12 weeks), South Africa 15 of 1960, WABC NY 39 of 1960, DDD 100 of 1960, RYM 36 of 1960
3 Connie Francis My Happiness 1959 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1958 (18 weeks), Norway 2 - Mar 1959 (18 weeks), UK 4 - Feb 1959 (15 weeks), Canada 4 - Dec 1958 (13 weeks), US invalid BB 22 of 1959, POP 22 of 1959, US Radio 25 of 1959 (peak 2 10 weeks), US BB 39 of 1959, Europe 62 of the 1950s (1958), Brazil 81 of 1959, RYM 64 of 1958
4 Connie Francis Where the Boys Are 1961 Italy 1 for 5 weeks - May 1961, US Billboard 4 - Jan 1961 (15 weeks), NZ Lever 4 - Apr 1961 (4 weeks), UK 5 - Mar 1961 (14 weeks), Canada 7 - Jan 1961 (11 weeks), Italy 8 of 1961, US BB 18 of 1961, US invalid BB 25 of 1961, POP 25 of 1961, US CashBox 29 of 1961, US Radio 43 of 1961 (peak 4 9 weeks), WABC NY 56 of 1961, RYM 122 of 1960
5 Connie Francis Lipstick On Your Collar 1959 Canada 2 - Jun 1959 (11 weeks), UK 3 - Jul 1959 (16 weeks), US Billboard 5 - May 1959 (17 weeks), Norway 7 - Sep 1959 (6 weeks), US BB 28 of 1959, US CashBox 33 of 1959, US Radio 42 of 1959 (peak 5 10 weeks), DDD 90 of 1959, UKMIX 511, RYM 36 of 1959
6 Connie Francis Stupid Cupid 1958 UK 1 - Aug 1958 (19 weeks), Record Mirror 1 for 5 weeks - Oct 1958, Canada 12 - Aug 1958 (9 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Jul 1958 (14 weeks), South Africa 17 of 1958, UKMIX 64, Italy 78 of 1958, RYM 70 of 1958
7 Connie Francis Mama 1960 UK 2 - May 1960 (19 weeks), Canada 3 - Feb 1960 (11 weeks), US Billboard 8 - Feb 1960 (13 weeks), US invalid BB 37 of 1960, POP 37 of 1960, US BB 68 of 1960, Italy 82 of 1961, US Radio 86 of 1960 (peak 8 5 weeks), UKMIX 357, RYM 76 of 1960
8 Connie Francis My Heart Has a Mind of It's Own 1960 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1960 (17 weeks), UK 3 - Nov 1960 (15 weeks), Canada 3 - Aug 1960 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 3 - Nov 1960 (3 weeks), US Radio 8 of 1960 (peak 1 12 weeks), US CashBox 14 of 1960, WABC NY 15 of 1960, US BB 17 of 1960, RYM 152 of 1960
9 Connie Francis Jealous of you (Tango della gelosia) 1960 Canada 1 - May 1960 (13 weeks), Italy 1 for 5 weeks - Apr 1961, Italy 4 of 1961, US Billboard 19 - May 1960 (11 weeks), US Radio 140 of 1960 (peak 19 2 weeks), RYM 36 of 1960
10 Connie Francis Don't Break the Heart That Loves You 1962 US Billboard 1 - Feb 1962 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 1 - Apr 1962 (4 weeks), KQV 13 of 1962, Canada 18 - Feb 1962 (11 weeks), US Radio 27 of 1962 (peak 1 8 weeks), US BB 31 of 1962, UK 39 - Apr 1962 (3 weeks), US CashBox 57 of 1962, WABC NY 79 of 1962, RYM 121 of 1962
11 Connie Francis Carolina Moon 1958 UK 1 - Aug 1958 (19 weeks), Norway 1 - Oct 1958 (22 weeks), Record Mirror 1 for 5 weeks - Oct 1958, RYM 70 of 1958
12 Connie Francis Barcarole in der Nacht 1963 Germany 1 - Jun 1963 (4 months), Germany 1 for 4 weeks - Jul 1963, Germany 92 of the 1960s (peak 1 17 weeks), RYM 181 of 1963
13 Connie Francis Die Liebe ist ein seltsames Spiel 1960 Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Oct 1960, Germany 3 - Jan 1961 (4 months), Germany 80 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks), RYM 62 of 1960
14 Connie Francis Together 1961 UK 6 - Sep 1961 (11 weeks), US Billboard 6 - Jun 1961 (11 weeks), NZ Lever 6 - Sep 1961 (2 weeks), Canada 13 - Jul 1961 (10 weeks), US CashBox 67 of 1961, US Radio 67 of 1961 (peak 6 8 weeks), WABC NY 74 of 1961
15 Connie Francis Frankie 1959 Canada 2 - May 1959 (13 weeks), US Billboard 9 - May 1959 (15 weeks), US CashBox 43 of 1959, US BB 61 of 1959, US Radio 81 of 1959 (peak 9 7 weeks), RYM 36 of 1959
16 Connie Francis Many Tears Ago 1960 Canada 6 - Nov 1960 (10 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Nov 1960 (13 weeks), UK 12 - Jan 1961 (9 weeks), WABC NY 40 of 1960, US CashBox 55 of 1961, US Radio 67 of 1960 (peak 7 8 weeks)
17 Connie Francis Among My Souvenirs 1959 Canada 2 - Nov 1959 (11 weeks), US Billboard 7 - Nov 1959 (15 weeks), UK 11 - Dec 1959 (10 weeks), US BB 73 of 1960, US Radio 83 of 1960 (peak 8 5 weeks)
18 Connie Francis Breakin' in a Brand New Broken Heart 1961 US Billboard 7 - Apr 1961 (10 weeks), UK 12 - Jun 1961 (11 weeks), Canada 14 - Apr 1961 (9 weeks), US CashBox 65 of 1961, US Radio 79 of 1961 (peak 7 6 weeks), US BB 80 of 1961
19 Connie Francis Paradiso 1962 Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Sep 1962, Germany 72 of the 1960s (peak 2 21 weeks)
20 Connie Francis Vacation 1962 US Billboard 9 - Jul 1962 (9 weeks), UK 10 - Aug 1962 (9 weeks), Canada 15 - Jul 1962 (7 weeks), US Radio 101 of 1962 (peak 9 4 weeks), RYM 28 of 1962
21 Connie Francis Teddy 1960 Canada 3 - Mar 1960 (10 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Feb 1960 (11 weeks), US Radio 138 of 1960 (peak 17 1 week), RYM 76 of 1960
22 Connie Francis Valentino 1960 Flanders 8 - Jul 1960 (2 months), UK 27 - Mar 1960 (8 weeks), Italy 49 of 1961
23 Connie Francis Schiner fremder Mann 1961 Germany 3 - Jul 1961 (5 months), Germany 70 of the 1960s (peak 3 21 weeks), RYM 101 of 1961
24 Connie Francis I'm Sorry I Made You Cry 1958 UK 11 - Jun 1958 (10 weeks), Canada 27 - May 1958 (8 weeks), US Billboard 36 - May 1958 (11 weeks), RYM 152 of 1958
25 Connie Francis Tu mir nicht weh 1962 Germany 2 - Jun 1962 (5 months), Germany 72 of the 1960s (peak 2 21 weeks)
26 Connie Francis I'm Gonna Be Warm This Winter 1962 US Billboard 18 - Dec 1962 (11 weeks), Canada 21 - Dec 1962 (7 weeks), UK 48 - Dec 1962 (1 week), US Radio 166 of 1963 (peak 18 1 week)
27 Connie Francis Wenn du gehst 1963 Germany 2 - Jan 1963 (4 months), Germany 113 of the 1960s (peak 2 17 weeks)
28 Connie Francis Robot Man 1960 UK 2 - May 1960 (19 weeks), NZ Lever 4 - Sep 1960 (2 weeks), RYM 62 of 1960
29 Connie Francis Plenty Good Lovin' 1959 UK 18 - Sep 1959 (6 weeks), Canada 28 - Sep 1959 (3 weeks), US Billboard 69 - Sep 1959 (7 weeks)
30 Connie Francis When The Boy in Your Arms (Is The Boy in Your Heart) 1961 US Billboard 10 - Nov 1961 (12 weeks), Canada 10 - Dec 1961 (8 weeks), US Radio 107 of 1962 (peak 10 5 weeks)
31 Connie Francis Jive Connie 1992 ODK Germany 2 - Mar 1992 (30 weeks) (11 weeks in top 10), Austria 3 - Jun 1992 (5 months), Germany 3 - Apr 1992 (4 months), Germany Gold (certified by BMieV in 1992), Germany 137 of the 1990s (peak 2 17 weeks)
32 Connie Francis Second Hand Love 1962 US Billboard 7 - May 1962 (9 weeks), Canada 20 - May 1962 (6 weeks), US Radio 89 of 1962 (peak 7 5 weeks)
33 Connie Francis (He's My) Dreamboat 1961 US Billboard 14 - Sep 1961 (9 weeks), Canada 14 - Sep 1961 (6 weeks), US Radio 132 of 1961 (peak 14 3 weeks)
34 Connie Francis Die Nacht ist mein 1964 Germany 3 - Jan 1964 (4 months), Germany 226 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks)
35 Connie Francis Eine Insel funr zwei 1962 Germany 7 - Jan 1962 (3 months), Germany 346 of the 1960s (peak 7 13 weeks)
36 Connie Francis Baby's First Christmas 1961 Canada 10 - Dec 1961 (7 weeks), US Billboard 26 - Dec 1961 (5 weeks), UK 30 - Dec 1961 (4 weeks)
37 Connie Francis Follow The Boys 1963 US Billboard 17 - Mar 1963 (10 weeks), Canada 41 - Mar 1963 (2 weeks), US Radio 153 of 1963 (peak 17 3 weeks)
38 Connie Francis No One 1961 Canada 7 - Jan 1961 (11 weeks), US Billboard 34 - Jan 1961 (8 weeks), RYM 122 of 1960
39 Connie Francis Be Anything (But Be Mine) 1964 Record World 20 - 1964, US Billboard 25 - May 1964 (8 weeks), Canada 42 - May 1964 (3 weeks)
40 Connie Francis Looking For Love 1964 Canada 29 - Jul 1964 (4 weeks), Record World 34 - 1964, US Billboard 45 - Jul 1964 (7 weeks)
41 Connie Francis Fallin' 1958 UK 20 - Nov 1958 (5 weeks), US Billboard 30 - Oct 1958 (10 weeks)
42 Connie Francis If I Didn't Care 1959 Canada 16 - Mar 1959 (9 weeks), US Billboard 22 - Mar 1959 (11 weeks)
43 Connie Francis I Was Such A Fool (To Fall In Love With You) 1962 US Billboard 24 - Oct 1962 (9 weeks), Canada 32 - Oct 1962 (3 weeks), RYM 189 of 1962
44 Connie Francis He Thinks I Still Care 1962 Canada 26 - Oct 1962 (7 weeks), US Billboard 57 - Oct 1962 (8 weeks), RYM 189 of 1962
45 Connie Francis You're Gonna Miss Me 1959 Canada 28 - Aug 1959 (9 weeks), US Billboard 34 - Aug 1959 (10 weeks)
46 Connie Francis For Mama (La Mamma) 1965 Record World 30 - 1965, Canada 38 - Mar 1965 (4 weeks), US Billboard 48 - Mar 1965 (6 weeks)
47 Connie Francis Jealous Heart 1966 Record World 25 - 1966, UK 44 - Jan 1966 (2 weeks), US Billboard 47 - Nov 1965 (8 weeks)
48 Connie Francis Hollywood 1961 Canada 14 - Oct 1961 (5 weeks), US Billboard 42 - Sep 1961 (7 weeks)
49 Connie Francis Too Many Rules 1961 Canada 13 - Jul 1961 (7 weeks), US Billboard 72 - Jul 1961 (2 weeks)
50 Connie Francis La Malaguena 1960 Canada 3 - Aug 1960 (6 weeks), RYM 152 of 1960
51 Connie Francis If My Pillow Could Talk 1963 Canada 21 - May 1963 (6 weeks), US Billboard 23 - May 1963 (9 weeks)
52 Connie Francis Your Other Love 1963 US Billboard 28 - Oct 1963 (7 weeks), Canada 32 - Oct 1963 (6 weeks)
53 Connie Francis In The Summer of His Years 1963 Canada 21 - Jan 1964 (5 weeks), US Billboard 46 - Dec 1963 (6 weeks)
54 Connie Francis Drownin' My Sorrows 1963 US Billboard 36 - Aug 1963 (7 weeks), Canada 40 - Aug 1963 (3 weeks)
55 Connie Francis Al Di La 1963 Canada 25 - Jan 1963 (2 weeks), US Billboard 90 - Jan 1963 (5 weeks)
56 Connie Francis Blue Winter 1964 Canada 23 - Feb 1964 (6 weeks), US Billboard 24 - Feb 1964 (9 weeks)
57 Connie Francis Forget Domani 1965 South Africa 12 of 1965, US Billboard 79 - Jun 1965 (7 weeks)
58 Connie Francis Chitarra romana 1961 Italy 13 of 1961
59 Connie Francis Love Is Me, Love Is You 1966 Canada 38 - Mar 1966 (4 weeks), US Billboard 66 - Mar 1966 (6 weeks)
60 Connie Francis Einmal komm ich wieder 1961 Germany 16 - Oct 1961 (1 month)
61 Connie Francis Aiutami a piangere 1961 Italy 26 of 1961
62 Connie Francis Nino 1964 Germany 12 - Feb 1964 (1 month)
63 Connie Francis Napoli 1964 Germany 12 - Jul 1964 (2 months)
64 Connie Francis Luna caprese 1962 Italy 47 of 1962
65 Connie Francis Violino tzigano 1962 Italy 55 of 1962
66 Connie Francis Io sola andro 1962 Italy 59 of 1962
67 Connie Francis La Valle senza eco (Breakin' on a brand new broken heart) 1961 Italy 81 of 1961
68 Connie Francis Un Violino nel mio cuore 1963 Italy 71 of 1963
69 Connie Francis Drop It Joe 1962 Canada 18 - May 1962 (4 weeks), RYM 121 of 1962
70 Connie Francis Du must bleiben Angelino 1965 Germany 10 - May 1965 (1 month)
71 Connie Francis Una Notte cosi 1964 Italy 85 of 1964
72 Connie Francis My Treasure 1955 US CashBox 37 - Dec 1955 (7 weeks)
73 Connie Francis 18 1957 Canada 27 - Jul 1957 (3 weeks)
74 Connie Francis You Always Hurt the One You Love 1958 UK 13 - Dec 1958 (7 weeks)
75 Connie Francis God Bless America 1959 US Billboard 36 - Nov 1959 (11 weeks)
76 Connie Francis I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You) 1958 UK 19 - Nov 1958 (6 weeks)
77 Connie Francis Somewhere My Love 1967 Denmark 14 of 1967
78 Connie Francis Malaguena 1960 US Billboard 42 - Aug 1960 (9 weeks)
79 Connie Francis Senza Mamma (With No One) 1960 US Billboard 87 - Nov 1960 (1 week)
80 Connie Francis Go, Connie, Go 1992 Austria 18 - Sep 1992 (1 month), ODK Germany 23 - Jul 1992 (11 weeks)
81 Connie Francis My Child 1965 UK 26 - Jun 1965 (6 weeks)
82 Connie Francis Don't Ever Leave Me 1964 US Billboard 42 - Oct 1964 (7 weeks)
83 Connie Francis Whose Heart Are You Breaking Tonight 1965 US Billboard 43 - Jan 1965 (7 weeks)
84 Connie Francis Wishing It Was You 1965 US Billboard 57 - May 1965 (7 weeks)
85 Connie Francis Roundabout 1965 US Billboard 80 - Sep 1965 (4 weeks)
86 Connie Francis Spanish Nights & You 1966 US Billboard 99 - Nov 1966 (2 weeks)
87 Connie Francis Time Alone Will Tell 1967 US Billboard 94 - Apr 1967 (1 week)
88 Connie Francis The Wedding Cake 1969 US Billboard 91 - Mar 1969 (4 weeks)
89 Connie Francis Never Before 1958 RYM 64 of 1958
90 Connie Francis Lock Up Your Heart 1958 RYM 152 of 1958
91 Connie Francis You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling in Love) 1957 RYM 32 of 1957
92 Connie Francis Funiculi Funicula 1961 RYM 101 of 1961
93 Connie Francis The Biggest Sin of All 1962 RYM 28 of 1962
94 Connie Francis Colombino 1963 RYM 181 of 1963

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

28 Dec 2017

"Someone Else's Boy" Versions

"Schiner fremder Mann", "El Novio de Otra" (which reached number 1 in Spain in 1962), "Mi tonto amor", "Celui que je veux" and "Ti conquistero" are all different-language versions of "Someone Else's Boy", the U.S. B-side of "Breakin' in a Brand New Broken Heart".

Please combine these versions if they show up in your data.+

Usually we don't combine different language versons of the same song. They get combined if the titles are different but the recordings are the same

25 Jul 2016

#12 - Among My Souvenirs

The 1947 Chart Entry here still needs to be removed from this 1959 recording &transferred to a 1947 recording.

That should have been done. Data now fixed, thanks

11 Jul 2016

#12 - Among My Souvenirs

The following 1947 Chart Entry should be removed from this 1959 recording &transferred. 1. UK Sheet Music - 1 for 10 weeks - May, 1947.

That looks right, data changed, thanks

20 Jun 2013

free download is+

free download is available if you learn how to search without falling victim to false advertising.

6 Jun 2013

Missing Song

Sometime between 1958 and 1964, Connie Francis recorded a song entitled: "You Can't Be True Dear". +It was removed from YouTube after I had Bookmarked it. +Where can I find it? Susan

We only list songs that were hits somewhere, Connie Francis version was not a hit anywhere

9 Sep 2012

when will connies life story be out on film have you any info at all.

6 Feb 2012

Robert i can help you with Connie Francis songs

Thanks for a great inform site...Where do you get the NZ Lever Hit partade info from and is this the official list.There are plenty of International hits of Connie Francis to add too.

Please give my email to Robert.. and anyone who wants help.I have a wonderfull sessionography on her.

If you look at the "Source Song Charts" page (link on the left hand side) you will see that the data came from the web site. We've always found them to be an interesting and helpful group.

28 Jun 2011

Connie Francis

Can you let Robert know how to purchase or download for free songs by Connie Francis

He can be reached at 416-XXX-XXXX

No. First we don't have any "free songs" for download (by anyone) and secondly we are not going to phone

7 Aug 2010

Connie Francis

This was tremendously helpful and informative. Thanks.