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Song title 152 - Heartbreak Hotel

Heartbreak Hotel Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Heartbreak Hotel" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Elvis Presley Heartbreak Hotel 1956 US Billboard 1 - Mar 1956 (27 weeks), US BB 1 of 1956, US CashBox 1 - Mar 1956 (21 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1995 (1956), D.Marsh 1 of 1956, US 2 X Platinum (certified by RIAA in Jul 1999), UK 2 - May 1956 (22 weeks), 4 in 2FM list, US CashBox 6 of 1956, Your Hit Parade 6 of 1956, Europe 7 of the 1950s (1956), Scrobulate 13 of rock & roll, DDD 15 of 1956, Acclaimed 19 (1956), US invalid BB 22 of 1956, UKMIX 22, POP 22 of 1956, DMDB 26 (1956), Brazil 37 of 1956, Rolling Stone 45, nuTsie 45 of 1950s, Italy 49 of 1956, RIAA 87, ODK Germany 90 - Aug 2007 (3 weeks), WXPN 730, RYM 2 of 1956, one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Whitney Houston & Faith Evans & Kelly Price Heartbreak Hotel 1999 US Billboard 2 - Dec 1998 (28 weeks), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Mar 1999), US BB 4 of 1999, France 5 - Feb 1999 (1 week), ARC 7 of 1999 (peak 1 20 weeks), UK 25 - Dec 2000 (5 weeks), Poland 30 - Jan 2001 (1 week), Holland 35 - Jan 2001 (2 weeks), US Radio 43 of 1999 (peak 8 11 weeks), ODK Germany 61 - Mar 2001 (4 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 71 - Feb 1999 (5 weeks)
3 The Jackson 5 Heartbreak Hotel 1980 France 9 - May 1981 (1 week), Record World 19 - 1981, US Billboard 22 - Dec 1980 (15 weeks), UK 44 - Dec 1980 (6 weeks)
4 CC Catch Heartbreak Hotel 1986 France 4 - Sep 1986 (2 weeks), ODK Germany 8 - Sep 1986 (17 weeks) (3 weeks in top 10), Germany 12 - Sep 1986 (2 months), Switzerland 13 - Sep 1986 (5 weeks), Belgium 20 - Oct 1986 (4 weeks), Austria 22 - Nov 1986 (1 month)
5 Stan Freberg Heartbreak Hotel 1956 UK 24 - Jul 1956 (2 weeks), US Billboard 79 - Jul 1956 (2 weeks)
6 Roger Miller Heartbreak Hotel 1966 US Billboard 84 - Nov 1966 (4 weeks)
7 Frijid Pink Heartbreak Hotel 1970 US Billboard 72 - Dec 1970 (5 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

4 May 2012

heartbreak hotel

the original, and famous song "Halfway Hotel", was done by the very famousVoyager band, towards the end of their career... The chorus lyrics are... Why dont we call into the Halfway Hotel/I long for service at the ring of a bell/And we could sleep in late (sleep in late)/Yeah, your mummy and your Daddy can wait/And if we dont get home again (home again)/Well you know that you'll be welcome to stay (welcome to stay)/ And the people that you thought so swell are sipping back their Moselles, And life is so hard on a credit card... Its almost normal... At the Halfway Hotel... X :-)

19 Jul 2011

Heartbreak hotel alt.

I remember a song from the early 80's (I think).. can't remember the name or the band (1 hit wonder probably)but do remember some lyrics..the chorus goes something like this:

"Why don't we put in at heartbreak hotel, I long for service at the ring of a bell, we could sleep in late, (sleep in late), your mommy and daddy can wait. (daddy can wait)"

other lyrics are.."Hey mama it's a long long way, to the borderline home where the butterflies play all day"

I know it sounds a bit naff but was a catchy tune, can't find it in any search i've done...any ideas

Regards, Nev

You were correct in thinking it was a one hit wonder and you got the lyrics quite close, but we think the line is "Why don't we put in at the halfway hotel"

The song is "Halfway Hotel" by Voyager and was in the following charts:

"Springbok 12 - Aug 1979 (5 weeks), Sweden (alt) 18 - Jul 1979 (2 weeks), UK 33 - May 1979 (8 weeks), RIANZ 34 - Nov 1979 (5 weeks)"

9 Nov 2010

do you have heartbreak hotel sheet music
