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Song artist 654 - Lesley Gore

Lesley Gore Region Profile

Lesley Gore Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Lesley Gore. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Lesley Gore It's My Party 1963 US Billboard 1 - May 1963 (13 weeks), Canada 1 - May 1963 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 1 - Jun 1963 (5 weeks), Australia 1 for 1 week - Jul 1963, US invalid BB 1 of 1963, POP 3 of 1963, UK 9 - Jun 1963 (12 weeks), KQV 12 of 1963, US Radio 15 of 1963 (peak 1 9 weeks), WABC NY 17 of 1963, US BB 29 of 1963, US CashBox 30 of 1963, DDD 30 of 1963, Brazil 77 of 1963, RIAA 229, Acclaimed 1286 (1963), RYM 22 of 1963
2 Lesley Gore You Don't Own Me 1964 Keener 1 - Jan 1964 (4 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 2017 (1963), US Billboard 2 - Dec 1963 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 2 - Feb 1964 (4 weeks), Canada 5 - Dec 1963 (13 weeks), US invalid BB 27 of 1964, POP 27 of 1964, D.Marsh 28 of 1963, WABC NY 29 of 1964, US Radio 34 of 1964 (peak 2 8 weeks), US BB 36 of 1964, DDD 37 of 1963, US CashBox 42 of 1964, KQV 44 of 1964, Brazil 47 of 1964, RYM 52 of 1963
3 Lesley Gore Judy's Turn to Cry 1963 US Billboard 5 - Jul 1963 (11 weeks), Canada 5 - Jul 1963 (10 weeks), NZ Lever 8 - Aug 1963 (1 week), US invalid BB 22 of 1963, KQV 36 of 1963, POP 41 of 1963, US Radio 55 of 1963 (peak 5 9 weeks), US BB 83 of 1963, US CashBox 99 of 1963, RYM 100 of 1963
4 Lesley Gore She's A Fool 1963 US Billboard 5 - Sep 1963 (15 weeks), Keener 6 - Nov 1963 (2 weeks), NZ Lever 7 - Dec 1963 (2 weeks), Canada 8 - Oct 1963 (14 weeks), US BB 14 of 1963, US CashBox 14 of 1964, WABC NY 25 of 1963, US Radio 51 of 1963 (peak 5 9 weeks), RYM 165 of 1963
5 Lesley Gore California nights 1967 Keener 13 - Feb 1967 (5 weeks), Record World 15 - 1967, US Billboard 16 - Feb 1967 (14 weeks), Canada 16 - Feb 1967 (7 weeks), US BB 61 of 1967, WABC NY 85 of 1967, US CashBox 94 of 1967, US Radio 161 of 1967 (peak 16 2 weeks)
6 Lesley Gore Maybe I Know 1964 Keener 4 - Jul 1964 (5 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Jul 1964 (10 weeks), Canada 14 - Aug 1964 (8 weeks), Record World 16 - 1964, UK 20 - Sep 1964 (8 weeks), US Radio 138 of 1964 (peak 14 3 weeks)
7 Lesley Gore Sunshine Lollipops & Rainbows 1965 Keener 5 - Jul 1965 (4 weeks), Canada 8 - Jun 1965 (9 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Jun 1965 (11 weeks), Record World 23 - 1965, US Radio 149 of 1965 (peak 15 3 weeks), RYM 115 of 1965
8 Lesley Gore That's The Way Boys Are 1964 US Billboard 12 - Mar 1964 (9 weeks), Record World 13 - 1964, Canada 26 - Apr 1964 (5 weeks), Keener 27 - Apr 1964 (1 week), US Radio 124 of 1964 (peak 12 4 weeks)
9 Lesley Gore My Town My Guy & Me 1965 Keener 25 - Sep 1965 (2 weeks), US Billboard 32 - Sep 1965 (8 weeks), Canada 34 - Oct 1965 (4 weeks), Record World 38 - 1965
10 Lesley Gore The Look of Love 1965 Record World 20 - 1965, US Billboard 27 - Dec 1964 (9 weeks), Canada 40 - Jan 1965 (3 weeks)
11 Lesley Gore Young Love 1966 Canada 12 - Apr 1966 (8 weeks), Record World 40 - 1966, US Billboard 50 - Mar 1966 (6 weeks)
12 Lesley Gore I Don't Wanna Be A Loser 1964 US Billboard 37 - May 1964 (5 weeks), Canada 41 - Jun 1964 (3 weeks)
13 Lesley Gore Sometimes I Wish I Were a Boy 1964 Canada 36 - Nov 1964 (4 weeks), US Billboard 86 - Oct 1964 (4 weeks)
14 Lesley Gore Hey Now 1964 Record World 40 - 1964, US Billboard 76 - Oct 1964 (6 weeks)
15 Lesley Gore Summer & Sandy 1967 Canada 26 - Jun 1967 (3 weeks), US Billboard 65 - Jun 1967 (7 weeks)
16 Lesley Gore All of My Life 1965 US Billboard 71 - Mar 1965 (6 weeks)
17 Lesley Gore I Won't Love You Anymore (Sorry) 1965 US Billboard 80 - Dec 1965 (3 weeks)
18 Lesley Gore We Know We're In Love 1966 US Billboard 76 - Feb 1966 (3 weeks)
19 Lesley Gore Brink Of Disaster 1967 US Billboard 82 - Oct 1967 (4 weeks)
20 Lesley Gore Danny 1963 RYM 22 of 1963
21 Lesley Gore Run Bobby Run 1963 RYM 52 of 1963
22 Lesley Gore Just Let Me Cry 1963 RYM 100 of 1963
23 Lesley Gore The Old Crowd 1963 RYM 165 of 1963
24 Lesley Gore You've Come Back 1965 RYM 115 of 1965

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

31 Mar 2012

Lesley Gore's version of "Young Love"

It went to #6 in Australia, too.

12 Apr 2011


You have the man's spelling of her forename

We've seen both varients used in different charts, however you're right in suggesting that "Lesley" is the more common.

We've changed the data. Thanks for the correction.