This page lists the song chart entries of Brenda Lee. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Brenda Lee |
I'm Sorry |
1960 |
US Billboard 1 - May 1960 (23 weeks), NZ Lever 1 - Aug 1960 (7 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999 (1960), Flanders 2 - Aug 1960 (6 months), WABC NY 5 of 1960, US Radio 5 of 1960 (peak 1 13 weeks), US BB 6 of 1960, US CashBox 6 of 1960, US invalid BB 6 of 1960, POP 6 of 1960, Canada 7 - Jun 1960 (14 weeks), UK 12 - Jul 1960 (16 weeks), DDD 20 of 1960, D.Marsh 28 of 1960, Brazil 34 of 1960, RIAA 318, Acclaimed 545 (1960), RYM 45 of 1960 |
2 |
Brenda Lee |
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree |
1962 |
US Songs 2014-23 peak 1 - Jan 2014 (45 weeks), UK Songs 2013-23 peak 4 - Dec 2013 (52 weeks), Scrobulate 5 of christmas, UK 6 - Dec 1962 (21 weeks), US Billboard 14 - Dec 1960 (4 weeks), D.Marsh 33 of 1960, DDD 42 of 1958, US BB 60 of 2023, UK 67 of 2023, US Radio 130 of 1960 (peak 14 1 week), the MusicID revenue site song 78 of 2022, RYM 56 of 1958 |
3 |
Brenda Lee |
All Alone am I |
1962 |
US Billboard 3 - Sep 1962 (15 weeks), NZ Lever 3 - Nov 1962 (5 weeks), Canada 5 - Oct 1962 (13 weeks), Flanders 6 - Dec 1962 (4 months), UK 7 - Jan 1963 (17 weeks), KQV 17 of 1962, WABC NY 28 of 1962, US Radio 30 of 1962 (peak 3 9 weeks), US CashBox 65 of 1963, Brazil 74 of 1963, DDD 79 of 1962, RYM 77 of 1962 |
4 |
Brenda Lee |
I Want To Be Wanted (Per Tutta La Vita) |
1960 |
US Billboard 1 - Sep 1960 (15 weeks), Canada 11 - Sep 1960 (10 weeks), WABC NY 12 of 1960, Flanders 17 - Nov 1960 (1 month), US CashBox 30 of 1960, UK 31 - Oct 1960 (6 weeks), US Radio 31 of 1960 (peak 1 9 weeks), US BB 43 of 1960, DDD 75 of 1960, RYM 198 of 1960 |
5 |
Brenda Lee |
Sweet Nothin's |
1960 |
Canada 3 - Feb 1960 (13 weeks), UK 4 - Mar 1960 (19 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Dec 1959 (24 weeks), US BB 18 of 1960, D.Marsh 19 of 1959, DDD 24 of 1959, US CashBox 28 of 1960, US invalid BB 28 of 1960, POP 28 of 1960, US Radio 30 of 1960 (peak 4 11 weeks), UKMIX 640, RYM 133 of 1959 |
6 |
Brenda Lee |
Dum Dum |
1961 |
NZ Lever 1 - Aug 1961 (5 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jun 1961 (12 weeks), Canada 9 - Jul 1961 (8 weeks), Flanders 10 - Aug 1961 (2 months), UK 22 - Jul 1961 (8 weeks), US Radio 38 of 1961 (peak 4 9 weeks), US CashBox 48 of 1961, US BB 91 of 1961, DDD 96 of 1961 |
7 |
Brenda Lee |
As Usual |
1963 |
UK 5 - Jan 1964 (15 weeks), Norway 9 - Mar 1964 (2 weeks), Canada 11 - Dec 1963 (10 weeks), US Billboard 12 - Dec 1963 (11 weeks), Keener 13 - Dec 1963 (3 weeks), Flanders 18 - Feb 1964 (2 months), US Radio 109 of 1964 (peak 12 5 weeks), RYM 155 of 1963 |
8 |
Brenda Lee |
Losing You |
1963 |
US Billboard 6 - Apr 1963 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 6 - Jun 1963 (1 week), UK 10 - Mar 1963 (16 weeks), Flanders 18 - Jun 1963 (1 month), Canada 20 - Apr 1963 (8 weeks), US BB 62 of 1963, US Radio 67 of 1963 (peak 6 7 weeks), US CashBox 72 of 1963 |
9 |
Brenda Lee |
Emotions |
1961 |
Flanders 6 - Feb 1961 (3 months), US Billboard 7 - Dec 1960 (12 weeks), NZ Lever 7 - Mar 1961 (1 week), Canada 16 - Jan 1961 (9 weeks), UK 45 - Apr 1961 (1 week), US CashBox 70 of 1961, US Radio 71 of 1961 (peak 7 6 weeks), RYM 64 of 1961 |
10 |
Brenda Lee |
Break It To Me Gently |
1962 |
Canada 3 - Jan 1962 (12 weeks), US Billboard 4 - Jan 1962 (13 weeks), NZ Lever 7 - Mar 1962 (2 weeks), US BB 26 of 1962, US Radio 37 of 1962 (peak 4 9 weeks), UK 46 - Feb 1962 (2 weeks), DDD 64 of 1961, US CashBox 66 of 1962 |
11 |
Brenda Lee |
That's All You Gotta Do |
1960 |
US Billboard 6 - Jun 1960 (14 weeks), Canada 7 - Jun 1960 (14 weeks), DDD 60 of 1960, WABC NY 65 of 1960, US Radio 68 of 1960 (peak 6 6 weeks), US BB 71 of 1960, RYM 45 of 1960 |
12 |
Brenda Lee |
Fool Number 1 |
1961 |
US Billboard 3 - Oct 1961 (14 weeks), NZ Lever 4 - Nov 1961 (4 weeks), Canada 18 - Oct 1961 (9 weeks), UK 38 - Nov 1961 (3 weeks), US Radio 42 of 1961 (peak 3 8 weeks), RYM 157 of 1961 |
13 |
Brenda Lee |
Too Many Rivers |
1965 |
Keener 9 - Jun 1965 (6 weeks), US Billboard 13 - May 1965 (13 weeks), Record World 17 - 1965, Canada 17 - Jul 1965 (9 weeks), UK 22 - Jul 1965 (12 weeks), US BB 79 of 1965, US Radio 140 of 1965 (peak 13 3 weeks) |
14 |
Brenda Lee |
You Can Depend On Me |
1961 |
US Billboard 6 - Mar 1961 (12 weeks), Canada 21 - Apr 1961 (6 weeks), US Radio 64 of 1961 (peak 6 7 weeks), US CashBox 74 of 1961, US BB 93 of 1961 |
15 |
Brenda Lee |
Everybody Loves Me But You |
1962 |
US Billboard 6 - Apr 1962 (11 weeks), Canada 13 - Apr 1962 (9 weeks), US BB 73 of 1962, US Radio 73 of 1962 (peak 6 6 weeks), US CashBox 96 of 1962 |
16 |
Brenda Lee |
Is it True |
1964 |
Canada 11 - Oct 1964 (8 weeks), UK 17 - Sep 1964 (8 weeks), US Billboard 17 - Oct 1964 (9 weeks), Keener 19 - Oct 1964 (4 weeks), Record World 21 - 1964, US Radio 159 of 1964 (peak 17 3 weeks) |
17 |
Brenda Lee |
Coming On Strong |
1966 |
Keener 3 - Oct 1966 (6 weeks), Record World 9 - 1966, US Billboard 11 - Oct 1966 (13 weeks), Canada 13 - Oct 1966 (9 weeks), US BB 70 of 1966, US Radio 135 of 1966 (peak 11 5 weeks) |
18 |
Brenda Lee |
Think |
1964 |
Canada 18 - Mar 1964 (2 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Mar 1964 (9 weeks), Keener 25 - Mar 1964 (3 weeks), UK 26 - Apr 1964 (8 weeks), Record World 29 - 1964 |
19 |
Brenda Lee |
Speak to Me Pretty |
1962 |
UK 3 - Apr 1962 (12 weeks), NZ Lever 7 - Jun 1962 (2 weeks), Norway 8 - Jun 1962 (6 weeks) |
20 |
Brenda Lee |
Your Used To Be |
1963 |
Canada 14 - Jan 1963 (7 weeks), Flanders 14 - Apr 1963 (1 month), US Billboard 32 - Jan 1963 (7 weeks) |
21 |
Brenda Lee |
Heart In Hand |
1962 |
US Billboard 15 - Jul 1962 (10 weeks), Canada 25 - Jul 1962 (4 weeks), US Radio 145 of 1962 (peak 15 3 weeks), RYM 165 of 1962 |
22 |
Brenda Lee |
It Started All Over Again |
1962 |
UK 15 - Sep 1962 (11 weeks), Canada 25 - Jul 1962 (6 weeks), US Billboard 29 - Jun 1962 (8 weeks), RYM 165 of 1962 |
23 |
Brenda Lee |
Here Comes That Feeling |
1962 |
UK 5 - Jun 1962 (12 weeks), Canada 13 - Apr 1962 (4 weeks), US Billboard 89 - Apr 1962 (3 weeks) |
24 |
Brenda Lee |
Thanks A Lot |
1965 |
Keener 22 - Jan 1965 (2 weeks), Record World 33 - 1965, UK 41 - Feb 1965 (2 weeks), US Billboard 45 - Jan 1965 (7 weeks) |
25 |
Brenda Lee |
Dynamite |
1957 |
Brazil 55 of 1959, US Billboard 72 - Jul 1957 (7 weeks) |
26 |
Brenda Lee |
The Grass Is Greener |
1963 |
US Billboard 17 - Sep 1963 (8 weeks), Canada 26 - Sep 1963 (7 weeks), US Radio 158 of 1963 (peak 17 2 weeks) |
27 |
Brenda Lee |
I Wonder |
1963 |
UK 14 - Jul 1963 (9 weeks), US Billboard 25 - Jul 1963 (8 weeks), Canada 28 - Jul 1963 (7 weeks) |
28 |
Brenda Lee |
Sweet Impossible You |
1963 |
Canada 26 - Sep 1963 (7 weeks), UK 28 - Nov 1963 (6 weeks), US Billboard 70 - Sep 1963 (5 weeks) |
29 |
Brenda Lee |
Save All Your Lovin' For Me |
1962 |
Canada 5 - Oct 1962 (6 weeks), US Billboard 53 - Sep 1962 (6 weeks), RYM 77 of 1962 |
30 |
Brenda Lee |
Ich Will Immer Auf Dich Warten |
1964 |
Germany 15 - Dec 1964 (1 month), Holland 33 - Jan 1965 (4 weeks) |
31 |
Brenda Lee |
When You Loved Me |
1964 |
Keener 25 - Aug 1964 (2 weeks), Canada 41 - Aug 1964 (4 weeks), US Billboard 47 - Aug 1964 (7 weeks) |
32 |
Brenda Lee |
Alone With You |
1964 |
Canada 31 - Jun 1964 (6 weeks), Record World 36 - 1964, US Billboard 48 - Jun 1964 (6 weeks) |
33 |
Brenda Lee |
I'm Learnin' About Love |
1961 |
Canada 16 - Jan 1961 (9 weeks), US Billboard 33 - Jan 1961 (4 weeks), RYM 64 of 1961 |
34 |
Brenda Lee |
Anybody But Me |
1961 |
Canada 18 - Oct 1961 (9 weeks), US Billboard 31 - Oct 1961 (9 weeks), RYM 157 of 1961 |
35 |
Brenda Lee |
So Deep |
1962 |
Canada 3 - Jan 1962 (10 weeks), US Billboard 52 - Jan 1962 (4 weeks) |
36 |
Brenda Lee |
Only You (And You Alone) |
1963 |
Flanders 3 - Sep 1963 (3 months) |
37 |
Brenda Lee |
Ride, Ride, Ride |
1967 |
Keener 26 - Jan 1967 (2 weeks), Canada 27 - Jan 1967 (6 weeks), US Billboard 37 - Jan 1967 (7 weeks) |
38 |
Brenda Lee |
Eventually |
1961 |
Canada 9 - Jul 1961 (8 weeks), US Billboard 56 - Jul 1961 (3 weeks) |
39 |
Brenda Lee |
Johnny One Time |
1969 |
Canada 17 - Mar 1969 (6 weeks), Record World 29 - 1969, US Billboard 41 - Feb 1969 (11 weeks) |
40 |
Brenda Lee |
Rusty Bells |
1965 |
Keener 19 - Oct 1965 (2 weeks), Record World 25 - 1965, US Billboard 33 - Oct 1965 (9 weeks) |
41 |
Brenda Lee |
She'll Never Know |
1963 |
Canada 14 - Jan 1963 (5 weeks), US Billboard 47 - Jan 1963 (6 weeks) |
42 |
Brenda Lee |
My Whole World Is Falling Down |
1963 |
US Billboard 24 - Jul 1963 (9 weeks), Canada 28 - Jul 1963 (5 weeks) |
43 |
Brenda Lee |
Waiting Game |
1964 |
Canada 18 - Mar 1964 (6 weeks), Keener 25 - Mar 1964 (3 weeks) |
44 |
Brenda Lee |
Let's Jump the Broomstick |
1959 |
UK 12 - Jan 1961 (15 weeks), RYM 147 of 1959 |
45 |
Brenda Lee |
Jambalaya (On the Bayou) |
1959 |
Brazil 41 of 1959 |
46 |
Brenda Lee |
Just a Little |
1960 |
US Billboard 40 - Oct 1960 (5 weeks), RYM 198 of 1960 |
47 |
Brenda Lee |
One Step At A Time |
1957 |
US Billboard 43 - Feb 1957 (11 weeks) |
48 |
Brenda Lee |
He's So Heavenly |
1963 |
US Billboard 73 - Apr 1963 (3 weeks) |
49 |
Brenda Lee |
Christmas Will Be Just Another Lonely Day |
1964 |
UK 25 - Dec 1964 (5 weeks) |
50 |
Brenda Lee |
My Dreams |
1964 |
US Billboard 85 - Jun 1964 (3 weeks) |
51 |
Brenda Lee |
Nobody Wins |
1973 |
US Billboard 70 - Mar 1973 (5 weeks) |
52 |
Brenda Lee |
Truly, Truly, True |
1965 |
US Billboard 54 - Apr 1965 (6 weeks) |
53 |
Brenda Lee |
The Crying Game |
1965 |
US Billboard 87 - Jan 1965 (4 weeks) |
54 |
Brenda Lee |
No One |
1965 |
US Billboard 98 - May 1965 (1 week) |
55 |
Brenda Lee |
Ain't Gonna Cry No More |
1966 |
US Billboard 77 - Jul 1966 (4 weeks) |
56 |
Brenda Lee |
You Don't Need Me For Anything Anymore |
1969 |
US Billboard 84 - May 1969 (3 weeks) |
57 |
Brenda Lee |
I Think I Love You Again |
1970 |
US Billboard 97 - May 1970 (2 weeks) |
58 |
Brenda Lee |
Papa Noel |
1958 |
RYM 56 of 1958 |
59 |
Brenda Lee |
Weep No More My Baby |
1959 |
RYM 133 of 1959 |
60 |
Brenda Lee |
Some of These Days |
1959 |
RYM 147 of 1959 |
61 |
Brenda Lee |
Lonely Lonely Lonely Me |
1963 |
RYM 155 of 1963 |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
20 May 2015
Double Listing - I Want To Be Wanted
#6 & #23 are the same.
Data fixed, thanks