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Song artist 411 - Freddy Quinn

Freddy Quinn Region Profile

Freddy Quinn Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Freddy Quinn. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Freddy Quinn Junge komm bald wieder 1962 Germany 1 - Jan 1963 (5 months), Europarade 1 for 1 week - Mar 1963, Germany 1 for 14 weeks - Dec 1962, Germany 23 of the 1960s (peak 1 21 weeks), RYM 65 of 1962
2 Freddy Quinn Heimweh 1956 Flanders 1 - Aug 1956 (9 months), Germany 1 for 14 weeks - Jul 1956, RYM 35 of 1956, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1956
3 Freddy Quinn La Paloma 1961 Germany 1 - Jan 1962 (6 months), Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Sep 1961, Flanders 2 - Aug 1961 (8 months), Germany 51 of the 1960s (peak 1 26 weeks)
4 Freddy Quinn Unter fremden Sternen 1959 Germany 1 for 6 weeks - Nov 1959, Germany 2 - Jan 1960 (5 months), Flanders 10 - Dec 1959 (4 months), Germany 33 of the 1960s (peak 2 21 weeks), RYM 90 of 1959
5 Freddy Quinn Die Gitarre Und Das Meer 1959 Germany 1 for 14 weeks - Apr 1959, Flanders 2 - Jul 1959 (8 months), Germany 11 - Jan 1960 (2 months), Europe 35 of the 1950s (1959), RYM 103 of 1959
6 Freddy Quinn Hundert Mann und ein Befehl 1966 Germany 1 - Apr 1966 (5 months), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - May 1966, Holland 34 - Apr 1966 (1 week), Germany 75 of the 1960s (peak 1 19 weeks)
7 Freddy Quinn Rosalie 1956 Germany 1 for 3 weeks - Nov 1956, RYM 127 of 1956
8 Freddy Quinn Heimatlos 1957 Germany 1 for 5 weeks - May 1957, RYM 120 of 1957
9 Freddy Quinn Vergangen Vergessen Voruber 1965 Germany 4 - Jan 1965 (3 months), Flanders 20 - Dec 1964 (1 month), Holland 22 - Jan 1965 (4 weeks), Germany 303 of the 1960s (peak 4 10 weeks)
10 Freddy Quinn Weit ist der Weg 1960 Germany 4 - Jan 1961 (4 months), Flanders 8 - Dec 1960 (5 months), Germany 200 of the 1960s (peak 4 17 weeks)
11 Freddy Quinn Alo Ahe 1962 Germany 5 - May 1962 (4 months), Flanders 10 - May 1962 (3 months), Germany 189 of the 1960s (peak 5 17 weeks)
12 Freddy Quinn Banana Boat Song 1957 Flanders 1 - Mar 1957 (7 months)
13 Freddy Quinn Ich bin wieder hier 1958 Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1958
14 Freddy Quinn Der Legionar 1958 Germany 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 1958
15 Freddy Quinn 5000 Meilen Von Zu Haus' 1965 Germany 6 - Aug 1965 (3 months), Holland 33 - Jul 1965 (3 weeks), Germany 290 of the 1960s (peak 5 13 weeks)
16 Freddy Quinn Lass mich noch einmal in die Ferne 1963 Germany 3 - Aug 1963 (4 months), Germany 150 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks)
17 Freddy Quinn Melodie der Nacht 1960 Germany 4 - May 1960 (5 months), Germany 91 of the 1960s (peak 4 21 weeks)
18 Freddy Quinn Irgendwann gibt's ein Wiedersehn 1960 Germany 7 - Jun 1960 (5 months), Germany 245 of the 1960s (peak 7 21 weeks)
19 Freddy Quinn Gib mir dein Wort 1964 Germany 5 - Apr 1964 (5 months), Germany 111 of the 1960s (peak 5 21 weeks)
20 Freddy Quinn Allein wie du 1963 Flanders 15 - Aug 1963 (3 months), Germany 150 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks)
21 Freddy Quinn Zonder thuis 1957 Flanders 3 - May 1957 (8 months)
22 Freddy Quinn Abschied vom Meer 1966 Germany 5 - Jan 1966 (3 months), Germany 336 of the 1960s (peak 5 13 weeks)
23 Freddy Quinn Du must alles vergessen 1959 Germany 14 - Jan 1960 (3 months), RYM 90 of 1959
24 Freddy Quinn Junge komm' bald wieder 1963 Flanders 3 - Feb 1963 (5 months)
25 Freddy Quinn Morgen beginnt die Welt 1967 Germany 9 - May 1967 (4 months), Germany 348 of the 1960s (peak 7 13 weeks)
26 Freddy Quinn Keine Bange Liselotte 1962 Germany 9 - Dec 1962 (1 month)
27 Freddy Quinn Wenn die Sehnsucht nicht war 1961 Germany 11 - May 1961 (3 months)
28 Freddy Quinn Heimwee nach St. Pauli 1962 Flanders 18 - Apr 1962 (1 month)
29 Freddy Quinn La guitarra brasiliana 1961 Germany 16 - Jan 1961 (2 months)
30 Freddy Quinn Soviel Traume 1961 Flanders 18 - Jun 1961 (1 month)
31 Freddy Quinn Eine Handvoll Reis 1967 Germany 10 - Jan 1967 (3 months)
32 Freddy Quinn Seemann weit bist du gefahren 1968 Germany 7 - Jan 1968 (3 months)
33 Freddy Quinn Deine Welt, meine Welt 1968 Germany 13 - Nov 1968 (1 month)
34 Freddy Quinn Alle Abenteuer dieser Erde 1969 Germany 13 - Apr 1969 (1 month)
35 Freddy Quinn St Helena 1971 Germany 23 - Apr 1971 (3 months)
36 Freddy Quinn Istanbul ist weit 1980 ODK Germany 46 - Apr 1980 (10 weeks)
37 Freddy Quinn Sie hieb Mary-Ann 1956 RYM 35 of 1956
38 Freddy Quinn So geht das jede Nacht 1956 RYM 127 of 1956
39 Freddy Quinn Wer das vergibt 1957 RYM 120 of 1957
40 Freddy Quinn Du brauchst doch immer wieder einen Freund 1959 RYM 103 of 1959
41 Freddy Quinn Das gibt's nur auf der Reeperbahn 1962 RYM 65 of 1962
42 Freddy Quinn So ein Tag... unknown Germany 303 of the 1960s (peak 4 10 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

17 Jan 2014


t"e right title is "ALO-AHE"

The title seems to be "Alo Ahe", the data has been fixed, thanks