This page lists the song chart entries of Freddy Quinn. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.
# |
Artist |
Song Title |
Year |
Chart Entries |
1 |
Freddy Quinn |
Junge komm bald wieder |
1962 |
Germany 1 - Jan 1963 (5 months), Europarade 1 for 1 week - Mar 1963, Germany 1 for 14 weeks - Dec 1962, Germany 23 of the 1960s (peak 1 21 weeks), RYM 65 of 1962 |
2 |
Freddy Quinn |
Heimweh |
1956 |
Flanders 1 - Aug 1956 (9 months), Germany 1 for 14 weeks - Jul 1956, RYM 35 of 1956, Global 33 (5 M sold) - 1956 |
3 |
Freddy Quinn |
La Paloma |
1961 |
Germany 1 - Jan 1962 (6 months), Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Sep 1961, Flanders 2 - Aug 1961 (8 months), Germany 51 of the 1960s (peak 1 26 weeks) |
4 |
Freddy Quinn |
Unter fremden Sternen |
1959 |
Germany 1 for 6 weeks - Nov 1959, Germany 2 - Jan 1960 (5 months), Flanders 10 - Dec 1959 (4 months), Germany 33 of the 1960s (peak 2 21 weeks), RYM 90 of 1959 |
5 |
Freddy Quinn |
Die Gitarre Und Das Meer |
1959 |
Germany 1 for 14 weeks - Apr 1959, Flanders 2 - Jul 1959 (8 months), Germany 11 - Jan 1960 (2 months), Europe 35 of the 1950s (1959), RYM 103 of 1959 |
6 |
Freddy Quinn |
Hundert Mann und ein Befehl |
1966 |
Germany 1 - Apr 1966 (5 months), Germany 1 for 2 weeks - May 1966, Holland 34 - Apr 1966 (1 week), Germany 75 of the 1960s (peak 1 19 weeks) |
7 |
Freddy Quinn |
Rosalie |
1956 |
Germany 1 for 3 weeks - Nov 1956, RYM 127 of 1956 |
8 |
Freddy Quinn |
Heimatlos |
1957 |
Germany 1 for 5 weeks - May 1957, RYM 120 of 1957 |
9 |
Freddy Quinn |
Vergangen Vergessen Voruber |
1965 |
Germany 4 - Jan 1965 (3 months), Flanders 20 - Dec 1964 (1 month), Holland 22 - Jan 1965 (4 weeks), Germany 303 of the 1960s (peak 4 10 weeks) |
10 |
Freddy Quinn |
Weit ist der Weg |
1960 |
Germany 4 - Jan 1961 (4 months), Flanders 8 - Dec 1960 (5 months), Germany 200 of the 1960s (peak 4 17 weeks) |
11 |
Freddy Quinn |
Alo Ahe |
1962 |
Germany 5 - May 1962 (4 months), Flanders 10 - May 1962 (3 months), Germany 189 of the 1960s (peak 5 17 weeks) |
12 |
Freddy Quinn |
Banana Boat Song |
1957 |
Flanders 1 - Mar 1957 (7 months) |
13 |
Freddy Quinn |
Ich bin wieder hier |
1958 |
Germany 1 for 2 weeks - Nov 1958 |
14 |
Freddy Quinn |
Der Legionar |
1958 |
Germany 1 for 3 weeks - Sep 1958 |
15 |
Freddy Quinn |
5000 Meilen Von Zu Haus' |
1965 |
Germany 6 - Aug 1965 (3 months), Holland 33 - Jul 1965 (3 weeks), Germany 290 of the 1960s (peak 5 13 weeks) |
16 |
Freddy Quinn |
Lass mich noch einmal in die Ferne |
1963 |
Germany 3 - Aug 1963 (4 months), Germany 150 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks) |
17 |
Freddy Quinn |
Melodie der Nacht |
1960 |
Germany 4 - May 1960 (5 months), Germany 91 of the 1960s (peak 4 21 weeks) |
18 |
Freddy Quinn |
Irgendwann gibt's ein Wiedersehn |
1960 |
Germany 7 - Jun 1960 (5 months), Germany 245 of the 1960s (peak 7 21 weeks) |
19 |
Freddy Quinn |
Gib mir dein Wort |
1964 |
Germany 5 - Apr 1964 (5 months), Germany 111 of the 1960s (peak 5 21 weeks) |
20 |
Freddy Quinn |
Allein wie du |
1963 |
Flanders 15 - Aug 1963 (3 months), Germany 150 of the 1960s (peak 3 17 weeks) |
21 |
Freddy Quinn |
Zonder thuis |
1957 |
Flanders 3 - May 1957 (8 months) |
22 |
Freddy Quinn |
Abschied vom Meer |
1966 |
Germany 5 - Jan 1966 (3 months), Germany 336 of the 1960s (peak 5 13 weeks) |
23 |
Freddy Quinn |
Du must alles vergessen |
1959 |
Germany 14 - Jan 1960 (3 months), RYM 90 of 1959 |
24 |
Freddy Quinn |
Junge komm' bald wieder |
1963 |
Flanders 3 - Feb 1963 (5 months) |
25 |
Freddy Quinn |
Morgen beginnt die Welt |
1967 |
Germany 9 - May 1967 (4 months), Germany 348 of the 1960s (peak 7 13 weeks) |
26 |
Freddy Quinn |
Keine Bange Liselotte |
1962 |
Germany 9 - Dec 1962 (1 month) |
27 |
Freddy Quinn |
Wenn die Sehnsucht nicht war |
1961 |
Germany 11 - May 1961 (3 months) |
28 |
Freddy Quinn |
Heimwee nach St. Pauli |
1962 |
Flanders 18 - Apr 1962 (1 month) |
29 |
Freddy Quinn |
La guitarra brasiliana |
1961 |
Germany 16 - Jan 1961 (2 months) |
30 |
Freddy Quinn |
Soviel Traume |
1961 |
Flanders 18 - Jun 1961 (1 month) |
31 |
Freddy Quinn |
Eine Handvoll Reis |
1967 |
Germany 10 - Jan 1967 (3 months) |
32 |
Freddy Quinn |
Seemann weit bist du gefahren |
1968 |
Germany 7 - Jan 1968 (3 months) |
33 |
Freddy Quinn |
Deine Welt, meine Welt |
1968 |
Germany 13 - Nov 1968 (1 month) |
34 |
Freddy Quinn |
Alle Abenteuer dieser Erde |
1969 |
Germany 13 - Apr 1969 (1 month) |
35 |
Freddy Quinn |
St Helena |
1971 |
Germany 23 - Apr 1971 (3 months) |
36 |
Freddy Quinn |
Istanbul ist weit |
1980 |
ODK Germany 46 - Apr 1980 (10 weeks) |
37 |
Freddy Quinn |
Sie hieb Mary-Ann |
1956 |
RYM 35 of 1956 |
38 |
Freddy Quinn |
So geht das jede Nacht |
1956 |
RYM 127 of 1956 |
39 |
Freddy Quinn |
Wer das vergibt |
1957 |
RYM 120 of 1957 |
40 |
Freddy Quinn |
Du brauchst doch immer wieder einen Freund |
1959 |
RYM 103 of 1959 |
41 |
Freddy Quinn |
Das gibt's nur auf der Reeperbahn |
1962 |
RYM 65 of 1962 |
42 |
Freddy Quinn |
So ein Tag... |
unknown |
Germany 303 of the 1960s (peak 4 10 weeks) |
The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet
17 Jan 2014
t"e right title is "ALO-AHE"
The title seems to be "Alo Ahe", the data has been fixed, thanks