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Song title 106 - Every Breath You Take

Every Breath You Take Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Every Breath You Take" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Police Every Breath You Take 1983 UK 1 - May 1983 (11 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jun 1983 (22 weeks), US BB 1 of 1983, ARC 1 of 1983 (peak 1 20 weeks), Canada 1 - May 1983 (17 weeks), Eire 1 for 4 weeks - May 1983, Canada RPM 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1983, Canada 1 of 1983, Springbok 1 - Jul 1983 (22 weeks), Spain 1 for 1 week - Aug 1983, Top Song of 1983 of the Billboard 50th list, US CashBox 2 of 1983, US Radio 2 of 1983 (peak 1 16 weeks), Sweden (alt) 2 - Jun 1983 (28 weeks), Norway 2 - Jun 1983 (15 weeks), nuTsie 2 of 1980s, Grammy in 1983 (Nominated), MTV Video of the year 1984 (Nominated), KROQ 3 of 1983, US Gold (certified by RIAA in Aug 1983), Poland 5 - Jun 1983 (12 weeks), South Africa 5 of 1983, Holland 6 - May 1983 (9 weeks), Switzerland 6 - Jul 1983 (6 weeks), Brazil 7 of 1983, Austria 8 - Aug 1983 (3 months), Belgium 8 - Jun 1983 (7 weeks), Germany 8 - Jun 1983 (4 months), ODK Germany 8 - Jun 1983 (19 weeks) (6 weeks in top 10), France (SNEP) 9 - Sep 1983 (1 month), France 10 - May 1983 (1 week), Australia 10 of 1983, Italy 10 of 1983, Virgin 12, Scrobulate 13 of 80s, DMDB 16 (1983), Billboard 50th song 25, 55th Billboard 100 28 (1983), Billboard100 29, Holland free40 33 of 1983, Europe 33 of the 1980s (1983), Acclaimed 38 (1983), OzNet 38, Japan (Tokyo) 41 - Nov 1988 (3 weeks), RIAA 44, POP 49 of 1983, Poland 68 of all time, TheQ 76, Rolling Stone 84, 90 in 2FM list, Vinyl Surrender 97 (1983), Belgium 110 of all time, WXPN 216, UK Silver (certified by BPI in May 1983), RYM 16 of 1983, BBC Rich Song 8 (songwriter royalties $22.3M), one of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 500
2 Cover Lover Project Every Breath You Take 2006 Japan (Tokyo) 81 - Nov 2006 (3 weeks)
3 Juliana Hatfield Every Breath You Take 2000 Japan (Tokyo) 91 - Jul 2000 (1 week)
4 Fame Academy & Christ.Komm Every Breath You Take 2003 ODK Germany 27 - Nov 2003 (7 weeks), Austria 37 - Nov 2003 (1 month)
5 Hannah Huston Every Breath You Take 2016 US Songs 2014-23 peak 94 - Jun 2016 (1 week)