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Song title 880 - Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Johnny Mercer Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive 1945 US Billboard 1 - Jan 1945 (16 weeks), Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1945), Library of Congress artifact added 2014 (1944), US 1940s 2 - Jan 1945 (13 weeks), POP 6 of 1945, DDD 7 of 1944, DZE 10 of 1945, Your Hit Parade 18 of 1945, Brazil 79 of 1945, RYM 22 of 1945
2 Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive 1945 US Billboard 2 - Feb 1945 (9 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Feb 1945 (9 weeks), Oscar in 1945 (film 'Here Come the Waves') (Nominated), Peel list 3 of 1944, UK 40s Sheet Music 5 - Apr 1945 (4 weeks), nuTsie 35 of 1940s, DDD 39 of 1945
3 Artie Shaw Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive 1945 US Billboard 5 - Jan 1945 (7 weeks), US 1940s 5 - Feb 1945 (5 weeks)
4 Kay Kyser Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive 1945 US Billboard 12 - Feb 1945 (2 weeks)
5 Dr John Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive 1989 Japan (Tokyo) 39 - May 1989 (3 weeks)