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Song title 856 - Around the World

Around the World Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Around the World" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Daft Punk Around the World 1997 Italy 3 of 1997, UK 5 - Apr 1997 (5 weeks), France 5 - Apr 1997 (1 week), Sweden 10 - May 1997 (4 weeks), Switzerland 14 - Jun 1997 (12 weeks), Austria 15 - Jul 1997 (3 months), Belgium 15 - Jun 1997 (8 weeks), ODK Germany 16 - May 1997 (16 weeks), Norway 20 - Jun 1997 (1 week), Holland 21 - May 1997 (5 weeks), Germany 22 - May 1997 (2 months), US Billboard 61 - Aug 1997 (20 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 99 - Jun 1997 (1 week), Acclaimed 972 (1997), RYM 25 of 1997
2 East 17 Around the World 1994 UK 3 - May 1994 (13 weeks), Holland 10 - Jun 1994 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 15 - May 1994 (19 weeks), Switzerland 16 - Jun 1994 (12 weeks), Sweden 17 - May 1994 (1 week), Germany 17 - Jun 1994 (1 month), Belgium 28 - Jul 1994 (1 week), Australia 39 of 1994, UK Silver (certified by BPI in Jul 1994)
3 Red Hot Chili Peppers Around the World 1999 Poland 2 - Sep 1999 (22 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 21 - Sep 1999 (10 weeks), UK 35 - Sep 1999 (2 weeks), Holland free40 42 of 1999, Scrobulate 63 of funk, RYM 31 of 1999
4 Aqua Around the World 2000 Sweden 2 - Apr 2000 (6 weeks), France 7 - Aug 2000 (1 week), Norway 16 - Apr 2000 (2 weeks), UK 26 - Jun 2000 (6 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 47 - May 2000 (7 weeks), ODK Germany 56 - May 2000 (5 weeks)
5 Monkey Majik Around the World 2006 Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Feb 2006 (10 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 37 of 2006 (peak 6 22 weeks)
6 Flow Around the World 2006 Japan (Tokyo) 33 - Aug 2006 (6 weeks)
7 Skoop On Somebody Around the World 2001 Japan (Tokyo) 26 - Jul 2001 (6 weeks)
8 Akiko Around the World 2005 Japan (Tokyo) 45 - Nov 2005 (6 weeks)
9 Mathilda May Around the World 1992 Japan (Tokyo) 49 - Nov 1992 (5 weeks)
10 DJ BoBo Around the World 1998 Switzerland 23 - Aug 1998 (6 weeks), ODK Germany 55 - Aug 1998 (9 weeks)
11 The Disco Boys Around the World 2012 ODK Germany 31 - Jan 2012 (6 weeks)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

12 Oct 2015

Song Title 274 - Around the World

Since at least (4) of these entries relate to the theme from the movie "Aroundthe World in Eighty Days"; I feel at least (3) more recordings should be added here. 1. Victor Young - (Main Theme) Around the World (currently #92 in 1957). 2. Bing Crosby - Around the World (In Eighty Days) - currently #67 in 1957. 3. McGuire Sisters - Around the World (in Eighty Days). Your thoughts?

Sounds correct, we've tried to change all the 1957/58 entries to "Around the World (in Eighty Days)". Thanks