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Song title 371 - Maria Elena

Maria Elena Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Maria Elena" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Jimmy Dorsey Maria Elena 1941 US Billboard 1 - 1941 (18 weeks), US 1940s 1 - May 1941 (17 weeks), US 1 for 2 weeks - Jun 1941, UK 40s Sheet Music 6 - Nov 1941 (3 weeks), Your Hit Parade 19 of 1941, Brazil 20 of 1942, DDD 25 of 1941, nuTsie 36 of 1940s, Europe 73 of the 1940s (1941)
2 Los Indios Tabajaras Maria Elena 1963 Flanders 1 - Jan 1964 (5 months), Canada 4 - Sep 1963 (12 weeks), UK 5 - Nov 1963 (17 weeks), US Billboard 6 - Sep 1963 (14 weeks), Norway 7 - Jan 1964 (6 weeks), NZ Lever 8 - Dec 1963 (1 week), Holland 25 - Jan 1965 (6 weeks), Italy 27 of 1964, KQV 29 of 1963, US BB 41 of 1963, US CashBox 56 of 1964, US Radio 77 of 1963 (peak 6 6 weeks), Brazil 85 of 1964, UKMIX 946, RYM 110 of 1963
3 Wayne King Maria Elena 1941 US Billboard 2 - 1941 (8 weeks), US 1940s 2 - Jun 1941 (3 weeks), DDD 25 of 1941
4 Tony Pastor & his Orchestra Maria Elena 1941 US Billboard 9 - 1941 (3 weeks), US 1940s 9 - Jun 1941 (1 week)
5 Jerry Angelo Maria Elena 1960 Flanders 8 - Aug 1960 (2 months)
6 Lawrence Welk Maria Elena 1941 US Billboard 22 - 1941 (2 weeks)
7 Ricky King Maria Elena 1977 ODK Germany 45 - May 1977 (1 week)
8 Gene Pitney Maria Elena 1969 UK 25 - Mar 1969 (6 weeks)
9 Ray Smith Maria Elena 1960 RYM 181 of 1960

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

14 May 2015

Double Listing - Jimmy Dorsey

#2 & #6 should both +be Jimmy Dorsey. Even though the Jitterbuzz version of Your Hit Parade shows Tommy Dorsey, this is an error. I can find no record of Tommy Dorsey recording this. Amazon, Allmusic and several other sites all show Jimmy Dorsey recording the hit version of Maria Elena in 1941.

Given your research we'll make the change, thanks