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Song title 304 - Tom Dooley

Tom Dooley Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Tom Dooley" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 The Kingston Trio Tom Dooley 1958 US Billboard 1 - Sep 1958 (21 weeks), Canada 1 - Oct 1958 (14 weeks), Norway 1 - Jan 1959 (25 weeks), Flanders 1 - Jan 1959 (7 months), Italy 1 for 1 week - Feb 1959, Australia 1 for 8 weeks - Dec 1958, Germany 1 for 5 weeks - Mar 1959, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1958), Library of Congress artifact added 2008 (1958), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Jan 1959), UK 5 - Nov 1958 (14 weeks), Australia 5 of 1958, Italy 5 of 1959, South Africa 8 of 1958, Europe 18 of the 1950s (1958), US CashBox 20 of 1958, US BB 28 of 1958, US invalid BB 37 of 1958, POP 37 of 1958, DDD 94 of 1958, RIAA 197, Acclaimed 1001 (1958), RYM 89 of 1958
2 Frank Proffitt Tom Dooley 1940 Library of Congress artifact added 2008 (1940)
3 The Nielsen Brothers Tom Dooley 1959 Germany 1 for 7 weeks - Jan 1959
4 Lonnie Donegan Tom Dooley 1958 UK 3 - Nov 1958 (14 weeks), UKMIX 668, RYM 84 of 1958
5 Peter, Sue & Marc Tom Dooley 1978 Switzerland 8 - Sep 1978 (10 weeks)