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Song title 626 - Cheek to Cheek

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Cheek to Cheek" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Fred Astaire Cheek to Cheek 1935 US Billboard 1 - 1935 (18 weeks), Your Hit Parade 1 of 1935, Grammy Hall of Fame in 2000 (1935), Australian Nostalgia 1 of 1930-1939, US invalid BB 2 of 1935, POP 2 of 1935, Oscar in 1935 (film 'Top Hat') (Nominated), AFI 15, Scrobulate 19 of vocal, nuTsie 27 of 1930s, Brazil 38 of 1936, RYM 1 of 1935
2 Eddy Duchin Cheek to Cheek 1935 US Billboard 2 - 1935 (11 weeks), Brazil 54 of 1936
3 The Boswell Sisters Cheek to Cheek 1935 US Billboard 10 - 1935 (4 weeks), Jazz Standard 187
4 Guy Lombardo Cheek to Cheek 1935 US Billboard 2 - 1935 (10 weeks)
5 Phil Ohman & his Orchestra Cheek to Cheek 1935 US Billboard 5 - 1935 (7 weeks)
6 Lowell George Cheek to Cheek 1979 Holland 10 - Jun 1979 (9 weeks), Holland free40 95 of 1979
7 Sahara Hotnights Cheek to Cheek 2007 Sweden 10 - Feb 2007 (34 weeks)
8 The Starting Line Cheek to Cheek unknown Scrobulate 6 of pop-punk