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Song artist 965 - Sugar Ray

Sugar Ray Chart Profile

This page lists the song chart entries of Sugar Ray. The songs are listed with the most widely successful first.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Sugar Ray Every Morning 1999 Japan (Tokyo) 1 - Dec 1998 (30 weeks), Canada RPM 1 for 5 weeks - Mar 1999, Canada 2 of 1999, US Billboard 3 - Jan 1999 (31 weeks), US Gold (certified by RIAA in Apr 1999), US Radio 5 of 1999 (peak 1 24 weeks), US BB 8 of 1999, UK 10 - May 1999 (9 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 11 of 1999 (peak 1 26 weeks), Sweden 14 - Mar 1999 (2 weeks), ARC 24 of 1999 (peak 1 20 weeks), POP 30 of 1999, Poland 32 - Apr 1999 (4 weeks), Scrobulate 81 of pop rock, ODK Germany 86 - May 1999 (9 weeks), Brazil 93 of 1999, RYM 118 of 1999
2 Sugar Ray When It's Over 2001 Japan (Tokyo) 2 - May 2001 (16 weeks), US Billboard 13 - Jun 2001 (22 weeks), UK 32 - Oct 2001 (2 weeks), US Radio 34 of 2001 (peak 9 18 weeks), ARC 43 of 2001 (peak 3 15 weeks), US BB 46 of 2001, Japan (Osaku) 64 of 2001 (peak 13 15 weeks), ODK Germany 68 - Sep 2001 (6 weeks), the MusicID revenue site song 49 of 2001, Party 273 of 1999
3 Sugar Ray Someday 1999 US Billboard 7 - Jul 1999 (32 weeks), US Radio 13 of 1999 (peak 3 20 weeks), Canada 16 of 1999, POP 20 of 1999, US BB 30 of 1999, ARC 30 of 1999 (peak 2 19 weeks), Brazil 39 of 1999, Japan (Tokyo) 86 - Sep 1999 (4 weeks), ODK Germany 87 - Sep 1999 (4 weeks)
4 Sugar Ray Mr Bartender (it's So Easy) 2003 France 9 - Jul 2003 (1 week), Japan (Tokyo) 13 - May 2003 (10 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 83 of 2003 (peak 15 19 weeks)
5 Sugar Ray Falls Apart 2000 US Billboard 29 - Jan 2000 (20 weeks), US Radio 49 of 2000 (peak 9 11 weeks)
6 Sugar Ray Abracadabra 1999 Poland 17 - Jan 1999 (11 weeks), Japan (Tokyo) 38 - Feb 1999 (14 weeks)
7 Sugar Ray Spinning Away 2000 Japan (Tokyo) 13 - Feb 2000 (18 weeks)

In addition to the above listed songs Sugar Ray also contributed to the following entries:

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Sugar Ray & Supercat Fly 1997 Canada RPM 1 for 3 weeks - Oct 1997, ARC 4 of 1997 (peak 1 21 weeks), US Radio 4 of 1997 (peak 1 23 weeks), Canada 6 of 1997, POP 15 of 1997, Japan (Tokyo) 30 - Jul 1997 (11 weeks), Brazil 37 of 1997, UK 58 - Jan 1998 (1 week), Japan (Osaku) 84 of 1998 (peak 2 24 weeks), RYM 195 of 1997

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

17 Jun 2018

Double Listing - Fly

#8 & #1 (under Duets w/Supercat) are the same.

Data fixed, thanks