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Song title 612 - Genie in a Bottle

Genie in a Bottle Region Profile

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Genie in a Bottle" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Christina Aguilera Genie in a Bottle 1999 UK 1 - Sep 1999 (24 weeks), US Billboard 1 - Jul 1999 (25 weeks), Austria 1 - Sep 1999 (5 months), Norway 1 - Sep 1999 (14 weeks), Belgium 1 - Sep 1999 (12 weeks), Eire 1 for 1 week - Jul 1999, Europe 1 for 4 weeks - Oct 1999, Spain 1 for 1 week - Dec 1999, Holland 2 - Aug 1999 (16 weeks), Sweden 2 - Sep 1999 (25 weeks), Switzerland 2 - Aug 1999 (23 weeks), Germany 2 - Aug 1999 (5 months), ODK Germany 2 - Aug 1999 (22 weeks) (13 weeks in top 10), US Platinum (certified by RIAA in Aug 1999), Germany Platinum (certified by BMieV in 1999), France 4 - Jul 1999 (2 weeks), France Gold (certified by SNEP in Nov 1999), US Radio 6 of 1999 (peak 1 23 weeks), US BB 7 of 1999, Switzerland 10 of 1999, ARC 11 of 1999 (peak 1 20 weeks), Italy 11 of 1999, Australia 12 of 1999, Canada 12 of 1999, POP 21 of 1999, Poland 29 - Sep 1999 (8 weeks), Brazil 37 of 1999, Scrobulate 37 of pop, Japan (Tokyo) 39 - Sep 1999 (8 weeks), Japan (Osaku) 65 of 1999 (peak 13 18 weeks), Germany 110 of the 1990s (peak 2 16 weeks), UKMIX 454, RYM 38 of 1998

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

22 Mar 2011

Christina Aguilera - "Genie in a Bottle" other chart entries and single certifications

Singles Charts: ARGENTINA - #1, CANADA - #1, CHILE - #1, DENMARK - #1, ECUADOR - #1, FINLAND - #6, INDONESIA - #7, MEXICO - #1, NEW ZEALAND - #2, PHILIPPINES - #1, * W O R L D * - #1.

Certifications (as of March 2011): AUSTRALIA - 2x Platinum, AUSTRIA - Gold, NEW ZEALAND - 3x Platinum, SWEDEN - Platinum, SWITZERLAND - Gold, UNITED KINGDOM - 2x PLatinum, UNITED STATES - 2x Platinum.

Interesting, but of course we can't use individual entries, we would need access to the complete charts these came from.