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Song title 678 - Till The End of Time

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "Till The End of Time" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Perry Como Till The End of Time 1945 US Billboard 1 - Aug 1945 (19 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Aug 1945 (17 weeks), US 1 for 9 weeks - Sep 1945, Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 (1945), DZE 2 of 1945, US invalid BB 12 of 1945, DDD 13 of 1945, Your Hit Parade 16 of 1945, POP 23 of 1945, nuTsie 25 of 1940s, Europe 30 of the 1940s (1945), Brazil 87 of 1946, RYM 85 of 1945
2 Carmen Cavallaro Till The End of Time 1945 US Billboard 3 - Jun 1945 (19 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Jun 1945 (19 weeks), DDD 50 of 1945, Europe 87 of the 1940s (1945)
3 Dick Haymes Till The End of Time 1945 US Billboard 3 - Sep 1945 (9 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Sep 1945 (8 weeks), DDD 13 of 1945
4 Les Brown & Doris Day Till The End of Time 1945 US Billboard 3 - Aug 1945 (13 weeks), DDD 13 of 1945
5 Jose Iturbi Till The End of Time 1945 US Billboard 20 - Sep 1945 (1 week)

The comments here are from the the MusicID impact site site. This version is not able to accept comments yet

26 Nov 2015

#3 - Carmen Cavallaro - Till the End Of Time

Per YouTube & Wikipedia this recording is actually the same as CarmenCavallaro's 1945 recording "Chopin's Polonaise" (currently #71 in 1945). Either this should be combined with that recording or vice-versa.+

We'll call them all "Till the End Of Time", thanks

20 Nov 2012

i need to hear this ...has memory of my old days