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Song title 789 - The Old Lamplighter

This page lists the chart runs for songs called "The Old Lamplighter" in order of success. This list combines cover versions and distinct songs that happen to share the same title.

# Artist Song Title Year Chart Entries
1 Sammy Kaye The Old Lamplighter 1946 US Billboard 1 - Nov 1946 (17 weeks), US 1940s 1 - Nov 1946 (14 weeks), US 1 for 7 weeks - Dec 1946, DZE 5 of 1946, DDD 12 of 1946, POP 14 of 1946, Your Hit Parade 24 of 1946, Brazil 46 of 1947, nuTsie 79 of 1940s
2 Joe Loss Orchestra The Old Lamplighter 1946 UK Sheet Music 1 for 5 weeks - Feb 1947, UK 40s Sheet Music 1 - Dec 1946 (28 weeks)
3 The Browns The Old Lamplighter 1960 Canada 1 - Mar 1960 (13 weeks), US Billboard 5 - Mar 1960 (15 weeks), US BB 58 of 1960, US Radio 71 of 1960 (peak 5 8 weeks)
4 Kay Kyser The Old Lamplighter 1946 US Billboard 3 - Nov 1946 (13 weeks), US 1940s 3 - Nov 1946 (11 weeks), DDD 12 of 1946
5 Hal Derwin The Old Lamplighter 1946 US Billboard 5 - Nov 1946 (10 weeks), US 1940s 6 - Dec 1946 (2 weeks)
6 Kenny Baker The Old Lamplighter 1947 US Billboard 11 - Feb 1947 (2 weeks)
7 Morton Downey The Old Lamplighter 1946 US Billboard 16 - Dec 1946 (1 week)